You know you and me, we're no so different

You know you and me, we're no so different..

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How so. You are a dick sucking nigger pedophile and I have a monster dick I use to fuck top tier women while you hammer niggers in the ass and let mules lick it. Disgusting pig.

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Doubt it.

surprisingly? fascism is pretty left leaning. monarchism and corrupt right dictatorships are the exception

Horseshoe political spectrum it's nothing new so why even make a post about it everybody knows and no one fucking cares

psychology is pseudoscience

Link you retard

Political philosophy is not linear but a circle. Pick any point on a circle. Call that point politically neutral or apolitical. Exactly 180 degrees in either direction is extremism. Back at point neutral, anything to the left is liberal, anything to the right is conservative. The further you move from point neutral, the more extremist you are. Once you get 180 from neutral, you’re as extremist as possible regardless your political beliefs.

Well, Islam and Judaism are far right and they also cut off parts of their genitals so yeah, the far right and the left do.

We are, the fact that you can't recognize differences is part of our impasse.

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and it's bullshit, just an abstraction created by self absorption.

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Totalitarianism is based and mankind is degenerating without it.

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That's not how it's supposed to be labeled but nice try it's supposed to be right side up and the two tops is authoritarian the bottom is liberalterism

Of course it's all bs anyone that's involved in religion or politics just shows that you have no depth of character and no better than swine led to the slaughter
I only care about guns and butter

I always thought at times it crossed over and sometimes was complete

>fascism is pretty left leaning
Of course it is. Mussolini was an avid Marxist, and Fascism was an attempt to fit Marxism into Italy with what was feasible in that political climate.
This horseshoe theory is just leftists coping with the massive web of lies and disassociation they generate to justify their existence.

Jews would agree with you

This is the biggest trick pulled in the last century. Sure the NAZIS were right wing, when you compare them to the communists which were their main political rival at the time. Germany had other parties at the time that are closer to what we consider right-wing today.

I know.

Notice the Jewish chess imagery

The horseshoe is real. If you follow either left wing or right wing principles to their logical conclusion, you realize that the masses are deluded and are being tricked by a tiny elite and that only extremely radical solutions will work.

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Yeah they're both fucked in the head