Republicans absolutely despise veterans

It's comical at this point, they'd do and say anything not to give veterans a single penny

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Fuck zogbots
A veteran who returns alive just didn’t give enough for Israel

Rand Paul LITERALLY wants to take the HEALTH away from veterans (praise be) and then RAPE their wives!

Brought to you by another faggot Twitter thread. Oregano and conceal.

democrats despise the men and women of this country who serve, they call us war criminals and the like

>Democrats tries to give health care to veterans
>Republicans do anything to stop it
>Oh wow these dems sure hate veterans.
You sir must have sustained some brain damage in your service.

Rand Paul is based and there are no two ways about it.

>t. Disabled vet

Kentucky sends only the best to DC

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None of the veterans alive have ever won a war lmao

I'm sure that's the only thing in the bill

>Democrats tries to give health care to veterans
they have plenty as it is. there are faggots who spent a couple months sitting at a desk who receive VA benefits. stop incentivizing servitude to globohomo

Vet with 5 deployments. He's not wrong. Here are some anecdotes I've seen:

> Ex. Woman enlists. Turns out basic drill sergeants yell at you. "ReEeEeEe!" Go see shrink. Get diagnosed with depression. Get booted with free guv bux for life.

> Ex. High school football player enlists. Lies about knee pain. Goes to basic. Finds out you run a lot. "ReEeEe!" Get booted with free guv bux for life.

That's an absolute lie.
The 9/11 first responders haven't even gotten their share yet.

they've been paid off countless times. you know little of the history of the US. maybe focus on your own nation.

it kinda sad.
>we told them a lie that it was for country and liberty, but it was for corporations, now they come back sick and with cancer, the companies that profited should pay.

As soon As they fight for American freedom they can have money.
If they're fighting for Israel's benefit they get nothing

Yeah I don't know the alternate reality that you've constructed.
Fact is the 9/11 responders are still dying because they haven't gotten shit from the republicans.

90 percent of San Diego is faking their fucking ratings and its bull shit. My back id fucked from Iraq and cant get shit.

>people die

I wonder what he really said.

Attached: he said drink bleach.jpg (640x1136, 109.47K)

You know who hates veterans more than anyone else? Veterans.

>My back id fucked from Iraq and cant get shit.
Dimb bitch, your NCOs failed you. Did you go to medical at all? At least towards the last leg of your contract? If you have at least any paper trail or done physical therapy of some sort you should be able to get at least something.


Right, that's literally what he said.
Just because he's retarded and don't know how to express it doesn't change the fact.
What is this retarded cope?
Also TDS

Based. Veterans are bribed so they dont turn on the govt

yeah declined

This dirtbag, mass murdering, cowardly mercenary ZOGbots would never do a thing like that...they are literally the Samurais of the XXI century.

Don’t care I am still not voting for the child grooming democrats.

And have you wrote any letters to other veterans group/State senator?

>Veterans are bribed so they dont turn on the govt
You're not supposed to say that out loud.

Most VA disability claims are overexaggerated or fraudulent anyway. There's literally people that work for the VA and outside it that coach you to put on a show for the doctors.

But many of us cant say that since we aren’t vets ourselves.

hurr durr the bill says it will end all forms of (insert issue here) so if you are against said bill you want to continue said issue

nigga wtf

They want the govt to collapse under the weight of massive spending

I did my enlistment for ZOG so I can.