I just lost my job as a petroleum engineer to a black faggot right out of college that walked up to HR wearing fucking...

I just lost my job as a petroleum engineer to a black faggot right out of college that walked up to HR wearing fucking makeup. I spent 10 years working for these cocksucking jews and they just showed me the door. Diversity hire they said... tell me anons, how do you cope with this bullshit in the west? I almost minecrafted the HR jewess right then and there

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I would reccomend getting a job to replace your old one

No severance pay or nothing?


why do you even care? you clearly have qualifications and experience, just apply to the next job that will probably pay better anyway, and let your previous employer have fun in dealing with a diversity zoomer.

I was working on a spreadsheet with excel, they let you collaborate so some broad in the next office was working on it as well. I clicked on the square she had selected for a couple seconds and HR fired me for sexual harassment.

Based on your flag i would say YOU'RE the nigger. But i could be wrong. Best thing you could do is to get another job, obviously, but what are you going to do to your bosses that betrayed you user?

you know what you must do

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I recommend giving them an explosive parting gift.

If you're a petroleum engineer why do you care? Just go to a different company


Shoot em, monke. Isn't that normal in Brazil?

Where you working for petrobras?

Go on disability and wait for the collapse, then you can deal with all who wronged you.

kill a nigger as revenge


Keep them coming

Kieran, I have no other way to reach out to you. I hope you see this......

Jobs are unstable because of these nigger, Jew Race Wars, Civil Wars. The international affairs and immigration affairs don't help either.

But yea, take out those loans, shoot out kids because "daddy say so". But Boomer Daddy didn't have today's problems, so his advice is garbage.

Here's a future prediction - what happens to niggers, in the ghetto, with 8 kids on Welfare?

Prosperity? Because that's your future - that's what the niggers plan was all along - to make you in the shit with them. But you have to listen to them, to join them~

sure. now tell us about the part where you don't realize you're a weird creep

Honestly not a bad option user

Sounds like you sucked at your job. 10 years and still in a JR engineer position or able to be replaced that easily.

That is fucked and your anger and frustration is thoroughly founded and justified. I cope by not participating in society and instead thriving in the black markets with other individuals.

Don't listen to these pussies. minecraft the headquarters bro, then an hero urself don't let them get the satisfaction of (((Justice)))

Petroleum and gas are monopolized by the state here. I may or may not have said a few no no words and may or may not have kicked the door open on my way out...
If only I had been so lucky... I would get everything in double. No, they paid everything.

Nice dead drop steganography bro, what is the scoop?
Also nice digits.

how about I tell you how little I give a shit about criticisms levied by memeflags?


> I'm the nigger
Not really.

Attached: fangers.jpg (3024x3531, 1.43M)

Not petrobras one of the state subsidiaries that deal with gas distribution.

its capitalism, if they deem the black faggot to be more worthy than you they will hire them over you, now go cry in the corner

looks white to me

Probably this
OP must have been the lowest performing team member to get replaced with a niggerfaggot with zero experience

Post time stamp with your nipples. If your nipples aren’t pink you aren’t white.

well user, i would just say that this is the way of the world now unfortunatley.i wish i could help among other things. but it sounds like YOU might be fucked

Attached: YOU.jpg (640x480, 23.52K)

I wasn't a junior... I was the head of my shift and had 5 technicians working under me for pipe maintenance. The nog came out of nowhere and took my job. I was supposed to train him for 3 more months and when I refused they cut me loose.
I have some money saved.. prob going to buy a farm and fuck off from society

Eu sei onde você mora, fica esperto com essa sua bundinha branca

Swarthy knuckles

That's cute.
I lost my job to a consulting firm that only hires American Women and exports all the work to literal NIGGERS in Brazil.

You shit nuggets are worse than pajeets..


user, thats the man telling you, you're worse than niggers. get fucked

You know that all government companies has (((commies))) in power.
They will obey ESG like hungry dogs

fuck, op
you must have been really shit at your job to get replaced by a faggot nigger with no experience

thats bc I am...
Careful with monkeypox
The country is fucked.. I'll just buy land and fuck off from society. If that's the way productive people are going to be treated then fine, I quit.
I don't have a fixed residence bc of my job.. well, I used to at least top kek.
Calluses from boxing.
Yeah.. I know. I have no idea why I expected something different. Some boomer that worked in the company for 30 years was kicked out a few months ago and they put a woman in his place.

Shoulda been a productive worker instead of a worthless Any Forums poster. When will you shitters wake up and realize (You) are the reason your life sucks. Take responsibility for your failures and improve.

No he didn't. You work at a Wendy's

You really think they promote or fire people on a merit basis?

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Thought all Brazilians were niggers?wja8r

Hand posts are fucking retarded, the only judge of race outside of DNA is cranial measurement. The fact that you’re from a country that speaks a language from the nonwhite part of Europe makes it easy to rule you out.

Its the only option besides going Rambo. Take advantage of the system until it all burns.

True. Any positions of power are usually made with sexual or a power plays to get them user.

Those have been up your arsehole haven’t they? Don’t lie. Those hands prove it.

I was a team leader you dingus. I started in the company as an intern and climbed the ladder. The only position above me was the head of the engineering section and it's a position appointed by the governor of the state.
There's no more Wendy's here since 2020
Nepotism is also pretty big here.
Check my digit ratio I have 0 homosexual tendencies.

>half turkish golem inmate posting from our country sized car factory prison camp
opinion discarded

You're saying all Brazilians AREN'T niggers user?

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why you post your hand huebro? they will just move the goalpost. Fatson McProtestant-Niggerlove can't comprehend europeans migrated all around the globe.

Think again.

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