Why do people from Illinois worship this fatass?

Why do people from Illinois worship this fatass?

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He’s got a fat cock.

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This place still has a Trump General

We dont
618 succession when

Nobody likes him.

Why is it that if you make a thread with the word "illinois" in it, it gets autosaged?

no. stay in your sewer mutant containment zone

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Because fuck Illinois lmao

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Is it time for redpilled people from Illinois to start moving to Indiana? There seems to be no hope in Illinois.

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I've never met a single person who would admit to liking this guy. Unfortunately he'll get reelected handily because women like throwing their babies into a blender.

>implying abortion has anything to do with it
People from Illinois worship democrats. He stays in by default.

Unfortunately, Republicans chose to run this dude and it will just be a referendum on abortion.

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Again, it literally doesn't matter.
Even if it was a wet, pro abortion republican, the fat democrat is still guaranteed the win.

Chicago and the rest of Illinois are like two different countries. Chicago has political power over the rest of the state, which is basically red.

That fucker still has a juvenile pre-puberty hairline at 60. WTF? How the fuck does he do it? I'm 23 and practically bald. Fuck the dysgenic genetics I was cursed with.

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Nah we just starve out chicago for a year and it's a red state again I believe the fight can be won

You haven't looked at county election results I'm 1 hour 20 minutes outside downtown in a 60 percent Trump County

I live in Illinois and I look forward to voting for him again, legalized weed, raised minimum wage, investing in EVs. Good governor. Best in my life.

So 3 things that have nothing to do with him

>Why do people from Illinois worship this fatass?

I don't know, OP. Why do you make shit up on a Japanese anime website?

>Because fuck Illinois lmao
i lived in that shithole for years
i always bad mouthed it
nobody lives their unless they have to because of "family"
everyone wants to leave but they feel they can't because their relatives
fucking losers
the taxes in that state are insane and it all goes to chicago, the rest of the state gets jack and shit

Attached: The fire rises.webm (480x600, 2.89M)