FBI leak shows patriots are the enemy

Like a repeat from the 90s where militas were targetted.

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terrorists use pepe more than any of these

The FBI are the terrorists.

Chang plz

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dissolve the USA, no more FBISIS

Chang? Fuck you Commie. If you're a Fed, go kill yourself you zogbot.

Whew, no apus. Maybe us frog posters were the feds all along.

>DARE bombing


It's all part of the setup for a false flag.

The lack of any irony written in the text of those documents, bordering on self-delusion, has me dumbfounded. Like they can't imagine that "the process" of achieving the American dream isn't as rosy or as uncheckered as they think it is, and then they have citizens that feel wronged by the government and that they have been lied to. It would shatter their faith in the system.

What if China and US both evil?

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This is why you need to re,over the stickers from your truck and stop wearing the tshirts that let everyone know you are 2A. Time to follow profile is now

I think the government got a little too big for its britches.

Minimal interference from a centralized govt is the best

>just show everyone there’s less of you so that you can be divided and conquered
Lmao ok dude

Most of the users of that Punisher bullshit is the fucking cops.

>Bοt post

I've seen women in high school use the Don't Tread on Me Flag like a decade and a half ago so this just comes off as retarded to me.

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Timothy McVeigh was based and redpilled and ahead of his time and I don't give a fuck if Feds de-anonymize me and put this message to my name.

Ruby Ridge and Waco were unforgivable and what McVeigh did was justice. Fuck the FBI.

Even worse, your faggy intelligence services were trying to pretend to be part of an ongoing organic movement (I think), now it's just 100% fake.

Dare bombing?

How many times do I have to say it? AnCap is not a real ideology it's a joke! Now the FBI wtf!

They're not wrong. You MAGA chuds are statistically the most likely to commit domestic terrorist attacks. You guys did try to storm the capitol and overthrow our Democracy.

This is all bullshit lapping by the FBI creating boogeyman where it doesn't exist. The 2nd Amendment calls for citizen militias. And for good reason. To fight against this shit. Faggots.

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So the people who descend from the founders of the country are the extremists?
The levels of delusion needed to say this with a straight face is beyond measure.

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>Capitol siege
Kek they really believe this shit huh

> Burgers are waging a war against the electronics symbol for resitor.
Peak clown world.

Jesus, you're glowing so brightly I can barely see my screen.

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I'd say it's not just larping, there has been a consistent effort since the Clinton era to make anybody on the right into an enemy of the state.

However it's only been recent with the Obama administration that the strat is try to lie often enough and big enough to create a body of intuitional "knowledge on the enemy" that would allow them to justify the use of counter terrorism laws against their political opponents.

Funny though how all this shit started with Clinton realizing he needed to turn the FBI into a DNC asset after the 1996 campaign finance scandal.
