Oh noooo millions of vaxxies have AIDS and cannot work

More than two years after Georgia Linders first got sick with COVID, her heart still races at random times..
>Totally not myocarditis

It was demoralizing. Her symptoms worsened. She was given another 90-day probation, but she decided to take medical leave. On June 2, 2021, Linders was terminated.


Attached: shabbosvaxxies.png (864x907, 937.52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds like anxiety. Long covid is not real.

Um, swetty, long covid is a diagnosis and is approved by insurance

yea im sure she was the pinnacle of health prior because she isnt the human manifestation of Droopy the dog

Does anyone have knowledge on why antivaxers are so retarded while pretending to have Phds in microbiology?

Millions of Australians are fit, strong and unvaxxed.

Many of them are no longer working.

No refunds.

Attached: SAFEANDEFFECTIVE.jpg (1542x858, 198.33K)


Cool. Fewer people in the work force means scarcer labor, which means HIGHER WAGES FOR WAGIES WHO WANT TO WAGE/ARE ABLE TO WAGE. My dream is one day to work again, not because I must, but because of the opportunity to make serious dosh.

nigger you have got to come up with some new material
its way too obvious that its the same faggot in each of these threads
did the spike proteins hit your brain or something???

I know it seems out of your grasp and thus unattainable but you really don't need a phD for common sense, retard

Good question. One guy in that last thread didn't even know about Thymopoiesis.

You don't have to have a master's degree in micro biology to read each week's science magazine and know that we are far far away from having a safe therapeutic application of mRNA or CRISPR technology in humans you sad dolt. But then look at your flag.

Attached: 1653792336970.jpg (1024x768, 62.7K)

>problem glasses
>can clearly use a PC, but "can't work"

New way to scam the system while the rest of us pay for it

>Does anyone have knowledge on why antivaxers are so retarded while pretending to have Phds in microbiology?

The people with the PHD's say those who are vaccinated are dying and being hospitalized at higher rates than the unvaccinated.

Sure you’re not a leaf on a vpn?

when you read something complicated, without the prerequisite foundational knowledge, you didn't really read it.

COVIDLAND might be the best thing Alex Jones has done for years. Why didn't you tell me about this series when it came out, Any Forums?


A documentary about the phoney pandemic is quite timely.

>when you read something complicated, without the prerequisite foundational knowledge, you didn't really read it.

If I tell you to suck my dick, you may have never sucked a dick before, but you know exactly what i'm saying.

Attached: norefundsnoplasma.jpg (640x656, 67.14K)

Long COVID made me cheat on my girlfriend, luckily she forgave me though so I can still raise her son.

Long covid is just another term for vaxx aids

Do you have your boosters? By the way the two largest contributing factors after diabetes are being female (2.34) and anxiety (2.78). Long covid is female hysteria.

SOURCE: acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M21-4905

Here's an article claiming sudden onset neurological disease or brain damage is just anxiety.
SOURCE: verywellhealth.com/brain-inflammation-long-covid-anxiety-5221661

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Fake news. How novel. You just believe anything that aligns with your view without question. Sheep.

That moment whe you realise all the right minded folk who refused the clot shot will be the only ones capable of hard labour and will be herded to slave camps to keep the vaxxies alive for eternity.

....stay at home?

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anxiety is one of the symptoms of Long Covid. As is depression, joint pain, and brain fog.
>is there any way to test to see if long covid is real
lol no

note her retarded painting
it's a painting of the most important subject to her entire world:
her own dourly pathetic uggo fucking FACE.

Imagine being so pathetic and looking so pathetic

The covid jab was designed and organized to kill the stupidest and most gullibility, albeit slowly, so pharma companies and hospitals can makes lots of money as their bodies slowly disintegrate. The reason is because it's the stupid people most likely to suck on social services that puts downward pressure on US treasuries, if government has to pay to take care of all these stupid people, then investors won't buy US treasuries forcing interest rates up. This is one reason, besides depopulation reasons, they want these people dead. The other reason has to do with the fact that stupid people are not really going to be smart enough to maintain the high tech automated society they have planned.

>Eli also clarified that all blood donors must feel healthy when they donate, so people who are experiencing the side effects from the vaccine will have to wait until their symptoms get better to donate.

long covid sufferers are not allowed to donate :(

>Fake news. How novel. You just believe anything that aligns with your view without question. Sheep.
>Lab Rat calling others Sheep

Lets talk about fake news shall we.

How about the Australian stats that show people who are vaccinated are dying at FIFTEEN times the rates of the unvaccinated?

Is that fake news? Or do you no longer "trust the science"?

Attached: TrialData.jpg (929x1024, 123.38K)

>albeit slowly.