AMA faggots

AMA faggots

Attached: Photo on 8-2-22 at 10.50 PM.jpg (2544x1696, 447.17K)

that's kinda cool ig

do a pushup or something those are the arms of a twink not a man


why are you jewish?

I'm very skeptical of your Sex.

Are you preparing for the future?
Learning skills that are useful?
If not, good news. There is still time.

ok zoomer ok zoomer ok zoomer ok zoomer

show face/feet.

>AMA faggots
why didn't you do a proper timestamp?

Attached: 1659282893442496.png (542x703, 405.29K)

Also, are you a hapa?

Ayyyy lmao

hussein marker out..

how much you wanna bet? $100 minimum

Attached: 32943293342393.jpg (372x285, 34.43K)

Your arm looks weak. I could break it. Can I break it?

Will you please delete this post?


I hate jews with all of my existence

tits or gtfo

Are you a faggot shill H_pa tagging for your sociology research.
OP has literal blonde hairs, genetically impossible you retarded faggot.

You get to sneak you cum in one politician's breakfast. Who do you choose and why?


Attached: Photo on 8-2-22 at 11.08 PM.jpg (2544x1696, 433.37K)


>that one American that calls everyone a faggot LOOKS LIKE THAT
Checks out, it's always a projection.
