At least he’s white

At least he’s white

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No he's a kike.
Kikes are not white.

White nationalists will defend this.

Kill yourself

>related to the rothschilds
lol ok

No they will not because he is a kike.

no bro he's jewish
look at this jpeg that gets his family wrong


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you VILL forget about the Rothschilds
you VILL post about WEF
you VILL foreget about the illuminati
you VILL no longer use the phrase "New World Order"
you VILL use the phrase globohomo instead
you VILL care about the great reset and owning nothing even though the future isnt a white one.

The globohomo trick was almost too easy.

this man is more iguana than white

I like accent man.

He comes off misunderstood.

Niggers are starving the planet, breeding beyond control.

And he thinks of Pods, free shelter, and Bugs, free mass produced food.

I like Accent Man.

Also, Jews are white - you gotta be the dumbest of dumb fuck to say Jews aren't. When they apply for jobs at your work, they apply as white. Spics do too. How stupid can you people let yourself become?? Don't answer that.

jews apply as white because there is no box to apply as a kike moron.

>the future isnt a white one.
No one taught you about the amish. Funny.

but he is not carbon neutral

Jews are White only when it suits them

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The pacifists?

"he" is not even a human.
literal demons are not people.

Whites should be jewish when its suits them.

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Imagine trepanning him with a Dremel tool.

You could touch electrodes to the exposed surface of his brains in different spots to observe the odd convulsions in his limbs and face.

Isn’t that xi’s master?