Good guys lost ww2 how can normies understand this ?

Good guys lost ww2 how can normies understand this ?

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>they never will, too much properganda

Very small % of men wake up, even less women. I’d venture to say maybe 2-3% of women actually understand what happend

They know it subconsciously; they are all aware of the jew. Every single one of them.
It takes 24/7 propaganda to dull their senses, and STILL 100% of all races recognise the jew as a danger.

They wont

the good guys lost long before ww2 started

Quote them Patton. “We fought the wrong enemy in World War II,” normies love them some Patton

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>Any Forums's "good guy" is a Socialist German that invaded a dozen European countries and killed millions of white people
uhhhh bros... is Any Forums a secret lefty commie website?

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They aren't capable of thought so if you want to make them understand then turn it into a movie or videogame.

>>good guys
killed more whites than jews

hitler was the original normie

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Hitler invented veganism, eating the bugs, living in the pod.
He was just ahead of his time

Normies dont understsnd anything, they shut up and believe what they are told, thats how it works.

Kinda, ww2 was kinda like a gentile uprising

They were ridding jews from allied nations power

For you, a top shelf red pill.
Treasure it always, this one is essential for you to understand.

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No the allies killed more whites hitler was defending europe

You have such a binary understanding or war , I bet you think gender is a binary too CHUD

fair enough

Hitler was right, he did his best to defend europe from jewish armies trying to “liberate it”

>Bianary understand or war
What ?