If the jews created Christianity, then logically Lucifer is the good guy, right?

If the jews created Christianity, then logically Lucifer is the good guy, right?

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Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.

Christianity is a form of Judaism, look at Mormonism & what they believe.... it’s heretical beyond belief

Jews didn't exist until after the crucifixion of Christ and their fleeing to Babylon. Notice how I said Jews and not Hebrews.

>Jews and not Hebrews.
there's a difference?


No one "created" Christianity. It's the word and self-revelation of God in Jesus the Christ.

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None of the mythological figures in your goat-herder desert religion are real.

The biblical anthropology is actually really interesting. Jesus was killed by the Romans, though Pontias Pilate left the decision up to the Pharisees (the ancestors of modern jewry). A great split happened during this moment and the moment Jesus rose from his tomb. Within that split there were the Jews and the followers of Christ. Modern jews love to associate with the words Israelite and Hebrew because it makes the spread of their lies easier.

>there's a difference?
there's a difference

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Lucifer = Prometheus= Based

Also correction I misspelled Pontius.

Christianity derives almost completely from Zoroastrianism, a 3000+ yo Aryan religion. It has little, very little to do with Judaism.

no, you would still adhere to something they made up.

stop falling for false dichotomies already. no wonder everything is going to shit

Christianity came before Judaism.
Judaism is incomplete, the whole old Testament is about Jesus.

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You get your education from zeitgeist videos on youtube ?

He literally punishes the wicked.


They didn't and he's not.

This post denotes the assumption that jews are bad. Not so. Most jews are regular business people and are pretty cool. This is a religious Christian holy war to destroy non Christian Whites who betrayed Christ. They are judas. Jews are just pharisees

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He lures people into wickedness so he can punish them.

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Lucifer is by definition the good guy. Lucifer is a title, not a name. Lucifer means bringer of light, or light bearer. Jesus took the title Lucifer (morning star) when the angel was stripped of the title and given the title Satan (adversary to God) so yes. Lucifer is the good guy.

The Judeo Christian reveals himself

It was not created but there were anticipations, a way of preparing the spirits to the coming of Christ. Zoroastrianism must be seen in that logic.

Nobody cares blablabla do you go shitpost about marvel comics no. You talk about thanos and loki as if they are real so stfu

Jews are Pharisees. Israelites are white.

>Lucifer is by definition the good guy
Read Paradise Lost of Milton and you will see that Lucifer is literally the judeomasonic world in which we live.

No such thing as "judeo" christian, you either worship Jesus or eat foreskins

Lucifer hated mankind, not God, retard. He defied God and was struck down for it. What kind of low effort bait are you spamming?
Read the bible and understand it if you want to argue successfully. But I think you're too much of a pussy to do that. You see the world turning to shit around you, and you can't rationalize how this happened when you're always right, and you turned your back to God. So of course, because it's so hard to accept you've made bad choices, that the world's state is God's fault, and the fault of Christianity, since they "always" pulled the strings right?
I cannot save you. But I feel like you're so damn close, and you're fumbling.

Still semites all the same. Christianity will never not be a desert Jew story.

Lesquen's report on Zoroastrianism is historically unassailable and 100% compatible with the Christian faith.
Sorry Shlomo, the cat is out of the bag.

God allows it to happen like a fag.

I just did and the idea that sin is Satan's daughter is retarded and that he impregnated her wtf messed up book but anyway you didn't read my whole post. I'm getting sleepy. Goodnight

jews say that all humans are the same. why would god create jews and non-jews anyway? sounds sussy

You're still using semitic stories to frame your morality.

"Satan" was an adjective in the OT/jewish torah. It meant anything jews don't like.

They called Rome "satan".
They called White people "satan" too.

>God's fault

Literally everything is God's fault. If it's not then hes not the omniscient/omnipotent creator the bible makes him out to be.

>Thinks Modern Jews are the original Abrahamic Religion
You have been Kike'd buddy, I can't help that.

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that was also a jew, you dumb faggot

lucifer is satan and he will eventually be cast into the lake of fire for all eternity.

anons, watch this gospel video if you want to be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die. it's very easy to be saved from hellfire and the gospel gives you full assurance of your salvation if you believe it.

the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ:

here's a documentary explaining why Christ rejecters that say they're Jews are not God's chosen people. talmudic judaism is depraved, evil, and satanic. And it has nothing to do with Christianity no matter what the satanic shills on Any Forums would say

pastor steven anderson also denies the official holocaust narrative. there is a video of him explaining his position on bitchute

the (self-professing) Jews and their lies sermon part1:

the (self-professing) Jews and their lies sermon part2:

'once saved always saved' - a MUST WATCH sermon for anons doubting their salvation

'repentance and salvation' - another MUST WATCH sermon exposing the widespread "repent of your sins to be saved" heresy that's leading many churchgoers into hellfire

important sermon about evangelizing (soul-winning)

'catholic hocus pocus' - a sermon exposing the heretical practices of the roman catholic church which has been subverted by the devil a long time ago

after the tribulation - a documentary about the rapture & the end time prophecies

nasa fails compilation (buried video on youtube)

Attached: What Jesus said about the self professing jews in Revelation 2.9 kjv.jpg (960x695, 159.2K)

Fucking retard.

Its about genetics.

Lucifer is Hermes
Each god is dual in nature
There is a pneumatic Hermes and a chthonic Hermes
Chthonic Hermes is Satan
Thoth-Hermes is the god you should heed

The price of giving living beings free will. But the only way to have a true relationship in the end.

>Christianity is a form of Judaism
Doesn't even make sense, idiot.

"Free will" cannot logically exist per your own (VERY DEBUNKED AND TIRED) theology. You're implying he doesn't know what you're going to do before he makes you, therefore he's not omniscient.


>If the jews created Christianity, then logically Lucifer is the good guy, right?
Jews didn't create anything. I thought it was obvious by now, but they're incapable of it. They can only corrupt. That's why they worshiped idols even though their own law forbade it.

What part of it isn't jewish?
You worship a jewish rabbi. You worship jewish prophets. You worship jewish culture. You worship jewish parables. You worship jewish myths. You cut your penis to be more like jews. You name your kids after jews. You even claim you are the "real jews".

Did you think Rabbi Yeshua celebrating Passover in the bible and being circumcized, as a jew is, was just a meme in the bible and they didn't actually mean it when they wrote it

It makes perfect sense, you're a christcuck in heavy denial.
A football is a type of ball
A gibson is a form of a martini
A Christcuck is a form of jewish cancerous newfag boomer

Gtfo, todays "jews" are not judahites, they are bastards. They did not create Christianity. The ancient judeans looked just like ancient greeks, they were WHITE. "Jews" are the house of Esau, Jacob's brother.