What the fuck is a piggy party?

What the fuck is a piggy party?
what does that have to do with negro pox?

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now i see

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Piggy parties are fantastic but I always wind up with a sore throat.

Well now we know

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fags are pathetic. gays are just perverted straight men.

I think it's some degenerate faggot shit who knows.

These fags fuck like 40 people in a weekend. They deserve every pox and AIDS they get.

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I am a bisexual degenerate, and I've never heard the phrase "piggy party".

every day we stray further from god

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>When a groups of older homosexual men dressed in leather sodomize a young man, usually tied down

But that part of the bible makes you uncomfortable so you ignore it.

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i didnt wanna know that

It's a monkeypox super spreader event

They really don't hide their degeneracy. How can normal people not be digusted and insistent these people keep their fetishes out of sight?

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squirt squirt
hey hey!

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I've always been kind of pilled on life since I was a kid, cos I'm not dumb and questioned everything anyone ever said to me.
However I'm slowly starting to realise the sad state of homosexuality
I did genuinely believe that gay people were just gay people and did it in their own time, harmless to me or anybody.
But fuck, these last few years have been horrific, the absolute degeneracy... am I really a human if they call themself that?
We are not the same
Fuck this life, niggers everywhere, Trannies screaming delightfully on the way to pre-school story hour
Every institution BTFOd into cuckery
And they tell ME I'm wrong?
..... we'll see about that lads
We will fucking see

Kek, it's meth and buttsex, look up slampig on gay pornhub and watch for research

just another fag orgy with different costumes/themes (think: pigs eat shit, you can guess what kinda party this is)

Jesus Christ
San Francisco needs to be firebombed

I think part of it is just that gay men don't have women to slow them down. But also a lot of them have a lot of shame that gets tied into their sexuality and ends up making them go all out purposely being everything people think they are.