Mhm, *this* is the one

You know what, YES, we are going to “come for” your guns. Because at the end of the day, there are rights … and there are innocent people

>but I’m a law-abiding citizen
Doesn’t matter. There are many more who are not

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Haha okay

Pretty sure Mr. Snell, isn't willing to die for his beliefs. He sure is willing to start a war he would never fight in, though.

>house passes some bullshit that will never pass the senate...for like the 100th time.. this year.

pretty sure it doesn't specify any type of arms, faggot

I could kill a kid with lots of stuff and no training. This nigga can't even kill a kid? Pathetic

>Cannon fodder bill that will fail in the senate enacted just in time for Dems to blast it at mid terms because Biden can’t excuse student loans without tanking the economy

Like 2/10

Anything a modern military uses is fair game since that's the real standard of "Well regulated militia".

The point is so that the public is able to defeat a military.

Oh i bet youre "cumming" for my guns.

Sorry, I dont fuck monkeypox infected, pedophiles.

Lol, in about 2 months you are going to be handed that feared ar15 and be told to shoot some commie chinks.

>we are going to “come for” your guns
And you will die.

You won't do shit nigger

the Come and take it flag has a literal piece of artillery on it. Meant for cutting down entire regiments.

>automatic bullet machine

At least do some research before you talk out of your ass.

“Well regulated” meant well supplied, not well trained or disciplined. Nice try noguns faggatrons

the gun confiscation bill passed the senate and house in june
barely anyone in the supposedly pro gun community covered it
even less people cared

Yes it does, that's the point. The 2nd Amendment isn't there so we can shoot deer, it's there so we can contest the government when it gets tyrannical.

Attached: Bundy.jpg (810x1202, 234.29K)

>right continually complains / jokes about “woke” and diverse military
>right stockpiles military weapons en masse for use against them
Methinks that you’re more afraid of these gay, black soldiers than you let on

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Well "regulated militia" means civilians equipped like the "regular army"

Whatever weapons the soldiers may carry into your town is what you have the right to carry.

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