Ruh roh shaggy

ruh roh shaggy

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oh no. whatever will xi do.

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Nancy cant leave the US
She has been under arrest since 2020

chinks btfo by a corrupt old witch

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In this very super awesome shills on max cylinders thread, can someone repost those dane cook shooooeps?

China is gonna going to be very very angry now instead of just very angry. It's over...

Why can’t they all meet on the ufc island and settle this.

Wasn't Trump endangering Democracy for just taking a phone call from them? That's how I remember Nancy telling it. Now, it's "unwavering support".

Well now you know why’s

This. Pelosi isnt in taiwan.

Did the dragon flinch?


People here are talking like this happened weeks ago. We don't know what China's going to do yet, but it's probably something bad. Don't count your chickens and all that.

>the belly of the dragon will drip milk


damn imagine if she died too that would be terrible haha

>mentions Tiananmen square massacre
It's not poking the dragon, it's lubing for rape.

Probably jack shit: there was a show of force by the US Navy before Pelosi entered the region.

>wondering when she'll suddenly go missing with the presumption of foul play and she's hanging out with her politburo homies

I'd love it if the Communists went to war against the greedy faggot Mafia.

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If you look at it at a high level, China has two options to re-unify with Taiwan:

- through peaceful means (most likely through a mix of diplomacy, but also propaganda and corruption in Taiwan)
- through military means

They obviously prefer the first one. The second one, even when they are ready for it (and they will certainly be in the future) will have a high cost, cause sanctions, etc.

What is going to happen is two fold:
- Externally, China will signal they are moving the cursor closer to the military option (through exercises, etc.)
- Internally, they will move that cursor closer to that, perhaps by re-allocating resources from the diplomatic approach to the military one

The US strategy is obvious because they always do the same retarded shit. They will keep pushing and pushing, like they did in Ukraine. At some point, it will become internally difficult for communist party leaders not to do anything, so they will be forced into a war. So most likely they're trying to buy more time to better prepare that invasion.