I will now vote Democrat

I will now vote Democrat.

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I'm a Pelosi bro now.

No! Vote Republican!

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Republican on the edge here. Republicans were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first on the call call when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course about Russia and China.

After decades of watching Republicans backtracking, beating around the bush and even making backdoor deals with China and Russia, I was sceptic, but I didnt want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Remember how fast Trump surrendered the trade war to China? That was a big red flag for me. We know it was Biden who doubled down on Trumps weak and loopholed sanctions and Biden who seriously attacked Chinas high end chip and telecom industry to keep American companies competitive. It was Biden who finished the Obama fence on the Mexican border while Trump was just embezzling funds with friends and partners. Republican anti-semitism, homophobia and race baiting politics to garner favor from uneducated and unemployed trailer trash never brought us anywhere.

Today I am convinced that only Democrats have real leadership qualities and Republicans are just big talk no action phonies. Maybe its just my long childhood indoctrination that kept me around Republicans. You should seriously consider your vote in the next midterms if you made the same error as I and fell for the Republican meme.


Saying that you’re voting democrat is the same as declaring that you have Down’s syndrome.

I'm flying with Nancy.

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Oh look, this thread for the 4th time in the past few hours

We literally have better choices here where the only goal of a politician is to keep the chair just to get free money

Then hoist the colors.

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You're ALWAYS voted Dim OP, quit ya horseshit.

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You know Chan doesn't have reward system like reddit, right? It doesn't even have upvote button here.

What did it, the bags of silicone?

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I don't necessarily like Democrats, but the truth is that if Republicans can get one McMuffin by selling out to China they'll do it right away without blinking.

Why would you waste your time voting?
Do you actually believe you live in a democracy or that it has ever even existed?

what's going on with her husband's trial?

Voting in the us does nothing

>be mutt
>woman gets off aeroplane
>be impressed

You obviously don’t know what it means to freedom

Copypasta niggertry kys tranny

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you think this shit means anything?
your DNC masters kneel to Xi and you eat their shit
get fucked shill

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are flyover retards actually falling for this shit?

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they're just democrat disinfo shills
anyone who gets scammed by this kabuki theatre is a moron and deserves to get raped
Trump 2024 no fucking exceptions

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The entire country voted Trump in the 2020 election and the democrats managed to get away with stealing it. You really think voting matters?

Standing up the China was a baller move.
Sending Pelosi to do it was priceless.
Only sending AOC or Bernie Sanders could have topped this political power play.
The Dems are totally rehabilitated in my book.


This is based type of shit they make movies about.

>Standing up the China
I take it you are a Pajeet?

The impeachments were successful. It was the removal from office that failed. Trump came closer than any president I can remember.

Republican on the edge here. Republicans were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first on the call call when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course about Russia and China.

After decades of watching Republicans backtracking, beating around the bush and even making backdoor deals with China and Russia, I was sceptic, but I didnt want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Remember how fast Trump surrendered the trade war to China? That was a big red flag for me. We know it was Biden who doubled down on Trumps weak and loopholed sanctions and Biden who seriously attacked Chinas high end chip and telecom industry to keep American companies competitive. It was Biden who finished the Obama fence on the Mexican border while Trump was just embezzling funds with friends and partners. Republican anti-semitism, homophobia and race baiting politics to garner favor from uneducated and unemployed trailer trash never brought us anywhere.

Today I am convinced that only Democrats have real leadership qualities and Republicans are just big talk no action phonies. Maybe its just my long childhood indoctrination that kept me around Republicans. You should seriously consider your vote in the next midterms if you made the same error as I and fell for the Republican meme.

She is foolish. The chinks will retaliate one way or another.

No, I have spellcheck. Instead of fixing the damn word it constantly tries to replace words I didn't mean and makes me sound like a first year ESL student.

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To be fair, after half a dozen beers and a line of coke it happily slap her fat granny funbags around and stick in in her ass, but only if she dresses like a cheerleader and bakes me cookies afterwards.

This is laughable. Your voice doesn't count, you braindead victim of incest.