He's going all in

He's going all in.

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Because he doesn't walk around those streets

Dudes a fucking tortoise , he’s like 200 years old

Maybe we should make that happen.

I hate kikes so much it's unreal.

You and me both.

Using all the rest of his money to piss off America until his dying days. I guess you've got to respect it in a supervillain kind of way.

he barely even looks human
he looks like a demon trying to shapeshift into a human but getting it wrong

>Be a foreign citizen
>finance the campaigns of anti-natist canidates that destroy their local communities
>this is legal
Serisously, what the fucking fuck?

He resides in the United States, right? Ameribros, you should look into pest extermination.

A 91 year old boomer is responsible for all of this garbage

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The actual problem is voters, who keep voting in absurdly incompetent DAs like Chesa Boudin. It's much easier to put it down to some Soros conspiracy than actually blaming the people responsible though

Nah, Soros is legit evil who has already ruined smaller countries.

I didn't elect this fucker. how do we get "people" like this to fuck off.

A face you can trust!

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anyone taking money like this should be tried for sedition.

Apparently violence or threats of violence is the only language they understand. Hitler likely came to the same conclusion.

He hasn't ruined anything, he's the largest donor to scholarships and charity in Hungary, he literally funded Viktor Orban's education

Soros was funding the BLM riots and essentially fuelling a race war in America. He's earned his reputation.

What does funding the BLM riots even mean? They would have happened regardless of his funding or not. You can't kill people in the street and not see a massive outcry, see Rodney King and the LA riots in the 1990s

Soros made a bunch of investments in the US economy that would only enrich him if the US as a whole suffers.
He can't not try to drive the US into being a total shithole because he has billions at stake.