Why are people like this allow to live...

Why are people like this allow to live? The amount of resources to maintain this sack of shit breathing could be used to save a small village. If you're fat, you don't deserve any respect and should be laugh at till you lose the weight or fucking kys.

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Is his left leg pregnant?

>The amount of resources to maintain this sack of shit breathing could be used to save a small village.
You don't say....

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TLC Jannies

Wtf is that got to do with the topic?

Fat people are the niggers of the weight world.

If you had only two brain cells you could rub them together. Are you retarded?
You see no correlation?
Dumb ass. Are you a jew?

>it's a mutagen

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Is fatkino back on TLC?

I look like pic related, not so obese compared to people who cant move.

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Pro-natalists will have you on the hook for people like this, or even worse, niggers. It is first necessary to overthrow the profiteering of engineering things that make people sick AND the welfare state before it makes logical sense to be pro-natalist.

I barely eat anything, run every day and I can’t seem to get below 300 lbs. It’s not always as simple as calories and exercise

That's his penis

what do you eat?

most of us feel the same way about memeflags.

Somebody keeps feeding it. Enablers are the problem.

We need a Steven Assanti return

Oh. Is his penis pregnant?

Spics and niggers are a huge burden because 90% of them are on some sort of government program. But I'm discussing why do we, as a society, let this fat slobs drain so much of our resources just because they couldn't eat a salad every now and then.

I think smokers & thin people should also be killed. bald people and low T aswell

>"barely anything"
>exceeds 4000 daily caloric intake

how tall are you? can you list your exact normal daily diet?

That's what I was guessing. There's also a good chance he's eating sneed oils, and eating food devoid of calories. Nothing that some steaks and veggies can't fix, niggas can't over-eat on those things, and niggas won't be hungry for several hours AT LEAST if they have a good steak or fish or whatever. Even a half dozen of eggs is kino nutrients

I wish Dr. Now would come back

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Breakfast is usually a muffin or a donut at Timmies, with a large double double. Lunch is one sleeve of whole wheat crackers, a Diet Coke and some cheese singles. Dinner is usually pasta with tomato sauce and I’ll eat another sleeve of crackers before bed.

>sneed oils

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>Breakfast is usually a muffin or a donut at Timmies, with a large double double

dont eat that

>Lunch is one sleeve of whole wheat crackers, a Diet Coke and some cheese singles

dont eat that either

>Dinner is usually pasta with tomato sauce and I’ll eat another sleeve of crackers before bed.

dont eat this, again

My good sir, user, surely you must be jesting. Verily user, this indeed must be an elaborate joke. Your flags colors do not represent grains and tomato sauce.

He's going to become a blob here eventually if he keeps going with that retarded mukbang shit...
He's already really far into the stage of gluttony.