No doubt they work with the jews

No doubt they work with the jews.
Also use a credit union to take money away from jews.

Attached: phil.png (602x813, 319.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck niggers
fuck jannies

Attached: 4Th Reich.png (1902x5335, 3.48M)

bump, he shot a fed who tried to assassinate him and when the local feds in the area showed up after the shooting they told him "these things happen sometimes".

rip in peace, phil.
the glowniggers got you but i'll never forget.

I don't believe his story but stuff he was saying about McDonald Douglas nuclear powered tunnelling machines is legit. At the time, no one had stuff like that. He must have had a clearance of some sort.

If I recall correctly he was strangled with piano wire.

Really cool guy Phil Schneider. He made some very extreme claims but at the same time had the scars to back them up. He had a huge incision from basically belly button to upper chest and was missing most of his left hand.


if anything the glownigs got to him because of the declassification of remote hidden areas, but some of the shit he talks about here is pretty interesting..

Attached: 1647475867189.png (811x550, 596.37K)

The lost fingers by way of energy weapons always got me goosebumps

They're not that advanced if they failed to kill him

How so?

I've watched this probably 5 times over the course of the last decade. Every time I watch it my brain rejects it because it's too far out there and I forget most of it.
Then I watch it again. Same. Again. Same.

Attached: WilliamCooperAliens.jpg (1024x668, 88.99K)

So what happened here? Is that just regular lividity or discoloration?

Attached: Aliens9.jpg (1200x943, 77.52K)

Credit unions are based.


Attached: 1659181216422583.jpg (4000x3000, 3.83M)

(((Schneider)))? LOL

>This is a 25million year old garlic plant
Ah yes, that's why I forgot it.

Attached: WilliamCooperAliens2.jpg (1024x695, 95.2K)

I love how apparently the aliens just read the Book of Revelations and copied God's homework.
I love how Christians basically think everyone did this.
It's beyond retarded at this point.

That whole thread and post is 100% Russian/Chinese/Israeli glowie pysop holyshit I'm so tired of this shit.

looks like Kyle's sketch


Attached: AlienDrawings.jpg (690x460, 241.98K)

Attached: 1609808331001.png (1080x857, 522.87K)

never seen that one before, thanks