Pol loves nick cruz

What’s wrong chuds you will talk about Kyle Rittenhouse but you won’t talk about Nick Cruz. Is it because he’s going to get the death penalty and reminds you too much of yourselves?

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user…I… he’s retarded

Pol hates marxist jews.

Jews arent white ir human

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kyle is a mutt beaner who supports BLM and cleans up after niggers.

Their is a special place in hell for masons who use retarded kids as a patsy.


to be fair, the mk ultra and glowies probably fucked his brains beyond saving.

Dear diary, Today Canada was an insufferable faggot.

Don't care about either one of them, only the legal precedent

my numbers say you're the insufferable faggot

What can i say,
KEK aint with you!

I think they should light him on fire in front of a live audience fuck this faggot

Cruz is a victim too, to his own self.

There's only one way out.

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or Whites are systematically oppressed by society and nobody gives a shit when they are bullied.
>not white
normalcattle cant tell the difference

That bold goblina even admitted they ostracized and bullied Cruz. Also, his brother pretty much got exile from Florida, fucking brutal society atm.

nik cruz threads are poorly maintained and have no cohesion because keeping a thread alive takes work
this is interesting but it's not like stay on Any Forums for 8 hours a day keeping thread on life support interesting
as soon as something happens I'm sure everyone will know about it

Fuck this kid. I hope they fry his ass.

Because the verdict is obvious. It'd be like watching Dahmer's trial. El Goblino de Especial Ed will get what's coming to him, and almost everyone agrees with that.

fuck you too

Cruz committed a crime, Rittenhouse did not.

>mutt kills a bunch of other mutts
not my problem

What are days that end in 'y'