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What will the aliens think of humans when they look at this? Will there be an updated plaque on the next deep space missions?

Attached: jpg.jpg (975x679, 190.49K)

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why would you even put this on a spacecraft unless you knew there were extraterrestrial life?

>"Man" has an afro with big lips
>The "woman" has a penis

Too bad aliens only communicate by exchanging spores and are incapable of understanding visual communications.

Wasnt this on a disc and not a rectangle?

Attached: screenshot.png (759x822, 1.35M)

>Wow look at these weird aliens we'll never ever see or meet because its impossible to break the light barrier

why would you send a picture of 2 men to space?

also the picture looking kinda racist!

whats to update?

that was the record that accompanied it with earth sounds.

It was
Fucking glowies trying to gaslight people again

Incase you were wrong.

2 genders in space. No take backs.
/ thread

idk they'll probably add a tranny and a picture of ole nigger lips in the center

This is the dumbest thing we've ever done as a species
If there's nobody out there, it's pointless
If there is somebody out there, we don't know anything about them and just told them where we live

OP is the Pioneer Plaque. You're thinking of the Voyager Record, which has instructions on how to build a phonograph so you can play the obverse side and hear music and sounds from earth.

Speaking of which, what music would you include?

Attached: golden-record-th.jpg (385x272, 61.95K)

i kinda like the space boobies. not sure what the symbolism is, except boobies.

Attached: Pioneer_plaque.png (1024x481, 32.38K)

>2 genders in space
and? most normies here believe men can become women. the battle is lost in the only place is matters. also you can't /thread yourself

its hydrogen atom h2 do you even science!

FTL travel may be impossible given certain physical constraints, but couldn't you generate a field to leverage those constraints (work within them) by altering the state of local particles, therefore changing the affects had upon them, allowing manuever which would be "physically impossible?"

how to be saved from hellfire and be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die explained in 11 minutes:

Attached: bible way to heaven1.jpg (777x1177, 1.11M)

>understanding visual communications
I'm not sure zoomers can even understand this boomer garbage.

the rectangular one was on the Pioneer spacecrafts. Voyager was on a disc.

The 70s were a very optimistic time, user

you know you mistake aliens senses, they might not have visual capabilities as we know it. and they are laughing at us that our ears cant hear em emissions.

>what music would you include?

>what music would you include?
the planets by Holst

what is this?

Attached: pioneer-plaque-girl.png (800x800, 132.75K)

Do they still count nine planets?

The Universe has supposedly been around for billions of years yet we can’t see any signs of an advanced civilization. According to their models the Universe should be filled with alien activity. Give me a break with this Masonic Illuminati nonsense

Attached: 22CE68B5-E19C-4083-9702-B394DF312892.jpg (501x364, 44.9K)

They come flying in only to be scolded and told to leave by a race of people called fock off.

boobies are universal. hydrogen i am not sure.

Attached: jpg.jpg (225x225, 6.02K)

they already tried it with the Event Horizon ship but it’s been missing for years now

they might have more than 2

Attached: 3boobies.png (315x422, 319.25K)

Life could simply be extremely rare. If there were only a handful of intelligent species in the entire universe at any given time, they could be several entire galaxies away from us.
There are many answers to the Fermi Paradox.

I imagine them showing no interest at all