I got vaccinated against covid a while ago, two shots of pfizer and two boosters. Zero side effects...

I got vaccinated against covid a while ago, two shots of pfizer and two boosters. Zero side effects. I hate the jews and niggers too, but sometimes you people are incredibly stupid.

Attached: 7Z4D2XW77NMH7JTI5TWXWJ76MY_jpg.jpg (2935x1805, 2.93M)

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Not going to take it.

Kek. You done goofed. You will get multiple sclerosis, among other things.


If you got the vaccine, I don't need to take one to make yours work. I also don't need to take a vaccine for an illness with a 1.13% chance of death, faggot

Attached: 1626408993775.jpg (810x810, 117.97K)

Not so stupid as to role the dice 4 times. Hope you avoid a bad case of suddenly.

i'm gonna shit on your grave coward


I drank bleach and didn't die so you are incredibly stupid for not also drinking bleach.

Why would you take an experimental mRNA gene editing injections though?
You are a npc faggot go kys.

We were never concerned with the immediate side effects. The point of the VAERS threads was comparison to earlier vaccines for the purpose of extrapolating the likely eventual damage.

For well over a year now we have been warning you that the spikes accumulate in the gonads, appear to ruin plascenta or otherwise cause mkscarriage, and cause microscopic clotting which can only be detected immediately after vaccination, but pose long term threat to the heart. In return for this, you get to feel good about protecting a few vulnerable people who absolutely do not deserve it.

You risked all this for some money and to thumb your nose at the chuds. Good job.

Even if it is 100% safe and effective you're still fucked for bowing down to globohomo and taking the Mark of the Beast. Have fun in Hell.

Even if you have 0 side effects, which you definitely will at some point in the near future, why would you willingly inject an experimental mRNA liquid into your body that was being pushed by psychopathic Jewish globalist who openly admit on camera that the only reason Covid exists is so they can push the vaccine on you?

You tarded or somethin?

You fool nobody.

Enjoy covid19, several times because your t cells are fucked up, enjoy AIDS, or blood clot disorders later in life. Which is more dangerous, a rough cold, or lipid nanoparticles, MEAN, and spike proteins injected into your body?

>My anecdotal experience is somehow indicative of millions of other peoples'

Yeah, we're the stupid ones. Right.

On a related note, I've been a regular smoker for 20 years and I am perfectly fine, LOL, all your paranoid conspiracy theories amounted to nothing. Should have trusted the experts at the tobacco companies, they know thier business better than anybody.

>incredibly stupid
Yes, yes you are

>but sometimes you people are incredibly stupid.
Taking that experimental gene therapy injection was stupid. It can't be undone.

Cope on. Kek.

>you people
>Any Forums is one person

you are already dead

(implying you werent a trollin kike)

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ALL the vaccines available in North America are still under Phase 3 Clinical Trials. Yep thats right. You are signing up to be a guinea pig, or perhaps you were forced against your will.

Pfizer: Phase 3 trial estimated end date 2023

Moderna: estimated end date 2022

Johnson & Johnson(its actually a Janssen Product which is a subsidiary of J&J):estimated end date 2023

AstraZeneca: estimated end date 2023

Attached: clinicaltrials.jpg (1024x575, 116.47K)

whoa is this why consoomerism is so rampant in america?

Don't forget the part where they tested these vaccines on kids to see if they were safe for kids to take. Then decided yes, they are safe for kids, because only a few of them died.

Anyone who took part in this shit show shares responsibility for that. This means you:
Don't ever forget you helped drive the panic and greed that made this happen.

> 1 post by this ID.

>1 post by this ID

>0.02% chance of death

There's nothing wrong with Jews

youre gonna die u fuckin idiot.

The most common damage seems to be myocarditis heart damage and liver disease. How do we convince vaxxies to undergo troponin stress tests and get liver enzyme / liver ultrasound tests to check for damage? It might fix their cognitive dissonance and make them rethink their conditioned responses if they can see the damage that they were fooled into getting.

Now there's two, just like you have two dads.


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> which you definitely will at some point in the near future

> some point in the near future

2 more weeks?
