Is Zeihan right?

Is globalism really dying?

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Name one thing he's been right about.

The War in Ukraine.
He talked about it in his first book.

Well that one was pretty obvious after they gave up on Minsk and kept bombing the majority Russians parts of the country and building up one of the largest armies in Europe. Who did he say would win?

Zeihan is right to focus on demographics as a deciding factor in global politics and economy, but he's wrong in that he doesn't consider who those demographics are. He takes the most basic demographic data and says oh this region is growing in population, this is declining, this region is statistically younger and this region statistically older. Thats it. No granularity to the data besides age. With that data you would look at africa and say africa will be the super power of the next century because its demographics and young and growing. But we all know that won't be the case.

This is why zeihan is full of shit. America is in a far worse situation than zeihan's demographic argument allows for, because america's growth is all immigrants and non-white demographics. It doesn't matter how defensible our coasts are or how many rivers we have if the enemy is already living here and outbreeding us. For this reason i discard almost everything zeihan has to say. The man comes off as a used car salesman for stratfor and the intelligence community.

Russia. Then Putin would go for NATO in Poland and Lithuania.
His analysis on this equals every comment we have heard 24hrs into the war: Ukraine will fold.
So I'll guess we can forgive that he got it wrong on that part.

broadly speaking yes. in geopolitics there is a lot of wiggle room as not to have a exact forecast.

Mearsheimer predicted that in 2014. Anyone who was paying attention and wasn't ideologically captured would have made the same prediction.

I love is autistic insights into soviet products in the 80's etc etc. But his conclusion that because Russia failed to take over Kiev therefore a pink haired tranny NATO army will destroy the Russian army if they ever got into conflict sounds like an absurd American Hopium claim.

Doesn't make him less wrong.

ofc he is

after having finished us all, zeihan and his buddies will enter an entirely new era

the post-goy world

That's pretty obvious given that Ukraine is not a NATO member and Russia has a massive advantage in population, economy and military hardware, I think everyone is pretty surprised at how long they've lasted.

Yep. This is why I cringe whenever I hear him talking about demographics as is the US is winning anything. Replacing whites with the poorest trash from south america, africa and asia is not going to make for a stable or prosperous state in the long term.

what are his arguments?

Globalism? Yes.
Third worldism in the former western world enabled by globalist policies? Just getting started.

That’s what bothers me too about that guy. Nigeria has a growing pop too, Zeihan, expected to be 600M in 2050. When are we gonna see Nigeria conquering the world Zeihan?

Chinese population crash by 2050

Well, five months in and Russia is bleeding itself out in the plains of Ukraine. They don't even have the power projection needed to tell Lithuania to BTFO. I'll call it a win.

>I think everyone is pretty surprised at how long they've lasted.
This and how Russia absolutely sucked. I mean, it's a flat terrain from the Russian frontier up to Kiev. It's supposed to be Blitzkrieg country.

Yes, that is inevitable due to their once child policy, but civilizations can survive population crashes. They don't survive being replaced by foreigners.

The Han Chinese will be replaced by another ethnicity. China is far from being a monolithic ethnicity.

China is like 95% "Han" and that's about as broad a category as "European" is. Meanwhile the US is already 56% counting "white" mexicans and not counting a good portion of the illegals.

>Well, five months in and Russia is bleeding itself out in the plains of Ukraine. They don't even have the power projection needed to tell Lithuania to BTFO. I'll call it a win.

The entire Ukrainian army was located inside the Donbass when the invasion started. That army is now gone, at least the hardware is all gone. I don't see the win.

Globalism will inevitably die because, like nearly all things intellectuals make up, it runs contrary to human nature. The fall out will just be how big of a tantrum the elites will throw when they can no longer stop it.

This. I would believe him on everything if he were redpilled about race.

92% in fact and they stopped breeding.
Also, the CCP did quite a number, eradicating Chinese culture so the loss in not limited to Ethnicity.

That war was supposed to last a week.
Russia lost more than 30% of it's army in the plains of Ukraine.
Put it the way you want, there's not a lot of dry powder in the Russian front to finish the job.

Lay off that NATO copium, it's high in xenoestrogens.

he's a huckster and a gatekeeper, though not a good one because his physiognomy is so overtly untrustworthy. He's there to present some real information and analysis but to also mix it with bullshit to make it harder to untangle.

so this is the power of canadian intellectualism

Well he’s Jewish so you have to keep that in mind.

>With that data you would look at africa and say africa will be the super power of the next century because its demographics and young and growing. But we all know that won't be the case.
Probably because Africa isn’t a country you fucking pseud

What % of Russia’s army has been lost in Ukraine then?