Why are commies scared shitless of democrats?

Why are commies scared shitless of democrats?

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>why are communists scared of other communists

commies are all faggots, they're scared of too much noise and moving objects. they're like deer

They're not.
Communists are not democrats, Democrats aren't communists.

Because democRATs are the ones willing to go to war

becomes democrats will expose them...

because*. They shit in the punchbowl whenever commies try to take over


>tfw no qt wop gf
why even live

as a life long libertarian, I will vote democrat. otherwise you get commie stooges like drumpf.
here drumpf is saluting his commie masters.

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its your fault that we have gay marriage and open borders

Why does it seem like Whitehouse Staff are personally shilling pelosi faggot bullshit on Any Forums because I browse here and you people are petty worthless trash?

There's always some commie faggot democrat trying to keep every one confused and off-balanced.

No they just staff communists

Ok rabbi sure you aren't a far left whack job ? Pretty sure you are. No way your kibeetarian

Because democrats suck corporate dick and real Communism™ is dead and it's adherents have moved on to wokeism. True commies unironically have a better shot at improving working conditions with rightoids which shows what a clown world we are in.


Better question. Why do rightoids suck this shabbos bitch's clit?

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Whatever you say, faggot.

Last I checked rightoids were hoping the chinks weren't bluffing and shot down her plane.

We don’t fucktard.
China is what globohomo is trying to become.
And they are pathetic