It's afraid...

>Project Veritas released a newly leaked document today provided by an FBI whistleblower, which shows how the Bureau classifies American citizens it deems to be potential “Militia Violent Extremists” [MVEs].

>In the document, the FBI cites symbols, images, phrases, events, and individuals that agents should look out for when identifying alleged domestic terrorists.

>The “Unclassified/Law Enforcement Sensitive” document says it is for “FBI Internal Use Only.”

>Of note, under the “Symbols” section, is a prominent citation of the Second Amendment, where it explains that “MVEs justify their existence with the Second Amendment, due to the mention of a ‘well regulated Militia,’ as well as the right to bear arms.”

>Right below that, under the “Commonly Referenced Historical Imagery and Quotes” section, Revolutionary War images such as the Gadsden Flag and the Betsy Ross Flag are listed. Each flag displayed in the document comes with a brief description of what it means.

>Under the “Common Phrases and References” section of the leaked document, Ashli Babbitt is cited as a person that MVEs consider to be a Martyr.

>The same document also refers to Ruby Ridge, Waco, and even Timothy McVeigh, tying in traditional American ideas and symbols with radical and/or violent events in Afraid...

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>The same document also refers to Ruby Ridge, Waco, and even Timothy McVeigh
It's no coincidence that the shills spam threads here on these topics

Checked. Bumped. Fedpilled.

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I literally cant wait to see what they deem "red flags" for "domestic extremism" is 5-10 years from now.

Jan 6th woke me up
It showed that the US Government is not invincible
It showed that the US Government is afraid
The best part is
Everyone can see right through this clown show

They're literally going after vet-bro boomers kek. The FBI is more afraid of conservitards than any other "threat"

Why does the fbi hate us?

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Glowniggers sometbing shomething faggots
Ect ect tiresome blah blah blah
2 more weeks you wont do shit blahblah
I dont care youre all bots and shills anyway
Also fuck jannies

What in the...? How does federales entrapping boomers show weakness?
Are you a federale looking to entrap someone? A moron perhaps?

You are the goyim that won't go with the crowd

>Law Enforecment

They literally made your entire government look like retard clowns.

It exposed the clown show & clearly defined lines

I hope some FBI agents read this and wondered wtf "ruby ridge" is. Also, I feel insulted there is no pepe.

>>ID literally has Heeb in it
sorry user but i must disagree with you

>Yes we should label the best of the best in this country terrorists because that's who we DONT want to protect us from our interests and corruption!
Seems kinda shady, don't it? What are they so concerned about that they wanna rid of protectors of HUMANITY ?

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we the people

To the brave FBI whistle blowers coming forward on this stuff, thank you. Same with the whistle blower that showed them obstructing their own Hunter Biden investigations.


There's a lot of weird bating with Ted K as well.

Because we call them too many nasty names when they spam this site and harass us for using the internet.

they forgot the best part

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