Hey watch me reacting to other content (movies, anime, tvshows, etc)

>hey watch me reacting to other content (movies, anime, tvshows, etc)
>hey watch me playing video games despite not even pro at it
>hey watch me commenting about some current meme or popular news
>not even a single own creative content being uploaded
>millions of subscribers thus gain millions profit

Why do completely talentless people succeed so much?
what's the political implication of this?

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Pewdiepie deserves it. I will watch him watch paint dry.
No idea who the other dude is

Moist is a faggot

pewdiepie simply got big by acting like an autist, and his now somewhat grown up fanbase watches him and his "intellectual content" because they've gotten attached to him. The other guy is just a retard.


Pewds is hilarious though.

That faggot penguinz literally got a dildo sent to him by susan wojak

paid bots for views
they faked it until they made it.

Some 5' lolberal faggot. I stopped watching him after he supported pimping teens to porn

>Pewdiepie deserves it. I will watch him watch paint dry.
that's because you're a faggot
what fucking intellectual content are you talking about?

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his philosophy videos or other gay shit he started doing. Basically an appeal to retarded 15 year olds who just discovered nietzsche and think they're some gods

man on the left is only 4 feet tall.
the women on the right are only 2 1/2 feet tall
its all a scam, charlie is barely 2 feet tall.

>Why do completely talentless people succeed so much?
you think they do it based upon their own merits and not catapulted to the fore on behalf of their benefactors?

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mass appeal

You know what it is, Theo?
I just don't think about it....

It tricks the mind into thinking they have a friend. The human mind doesn't understand a computer screen. It doesn't understand ear plugs. It thinks the person is right infront of you in the same room. When would this ever occur 2000 years ago. That some voice a thousand kilometres away is saying it loves you in a song or is laughing with you at a joke. You start to delude yourself that your best friends, that is why fan meet ups are so cringe.

Better than this tranny faggot that thinks he's morally superior and parrots of anything that shit skin hassan says.

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dude is high on meth all day

Agreed, I absolutely resent this troon. He's on the kike payroll at Twitch, so he has to larp as a leftie. He's constantly being watched by a faggot staff member of Twitch called 'Pluto' who checks up on him all the time to make sure he isn't saying anything based. Any based opinions he might have gets silenced, meanwhile kikes pay him to say spout libshit propaganda.

Moist might be cool if he wasn't a liberal faggot. Watch Asmon instead.

Who is this pluto faggot?
I used to like him when he played games and didn't care about politics. Now he's trying to insert himself every where. And I can't understand him.

>Why do completely talentless people succeed so much?
Because dumber people with even LESS talent watch them.

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He may be a liberal faggot but I've never seen him say anything about politics or anything related. He's always stays away from things like that. Which is better than trying to spout political bs you don't know anything about like what XQC and hassan does.

If you watch his streams, you'll see Pluto commenting sometimes. Pluto is a staff member at Twitch and I've often noticed xQc will stop to check his monitor when he sees anything that might be controversial. My guess is that Pluto is telling him what he can and can't say, so he either keeps his mouth shut or spouts some kike sponsored take. I haven't watched him recently because I don't enjoy faggoty react streamers.


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That's true. But he's still a liberal faggot and by being so, he naturally has liberal faggot takes, even when he isn't talking about politics. It all seeps back in.

Zoomers and Jewtube only promoting mindless garbage.