What is Jon Stewart doing?

Jon Stewart is all over the news lately pushing something called the 'honoring our pact' that supposedly gives healthcare to veterans. What is really going on here? Is there something sinister hidden in the law? Why wheel out Jon Stewart?


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Lining his and his buddies pockets. What else are politicians good at?

He has no purpose in life, so he found one.

When you're filthy rich, you need to fill your time with something.

Remember the 9/11 bullshit years ago when he did this same exact shit

Esau's gambit. Build trust then stab in the back or golemize your little following.

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It became law. Now what will he do?

More money that gets put into veteran healthcare the more money that gets funneled to the Deep State


He seems like not a dick who was in my on 911 and actually gives a shit. I know everyone hates all Jews but for all his righteous bullshit he seems like an honestly good guy.

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BREAKING: Maricopa County Election Day Incompetence – PRINTERS NOT WORKING, Voters Told They’ve ALREADY VOTED, Polling Locations Not Seen On AZSOS Webpage – UPDATES

It is Primary Election Day in Arizona, and voters are already seeing election irregularities taking place at the polls. They don’t even have ballots available for election day voters!

Download the Votify Now app to report all election irregularities in any state.

The Arizona establishment is doing everything in its power to buy and rig this election. TGP reported on voter fraud concerns across the state, including 63,000 incorrect ballots sent out by negligent and corrupt Arizona election officials.

Mr. Leibowitz must choose Torah or Satan.

So far his entire life he has taken a shit all over both Torah and the US Constitution.

He is nearing the end of his life, and his sins are catching up to him. He doesn't care about the 9/11 victims, he doesn't want an investigation.

it's all about profit, graft, and deception.

Serious answer? The funding isn't going to help veterans, it's going to make his sponsors a lot of money.
>Additionally there's 400 BILLION that's basically a slush fund and has nothing to do with veterans.
I'm a vet. We've seen them do this before. It's all an act to get them more money, more power, etc. and it doesn't do a goddamned thing.

The same pretend they did for the 9/11 firemen.
Its for future documentaries where they can frame themselves as always figthing for whats right..
And that is samuel liebowitch or some jewy shit not jon stewart

that's funny, cause a deal is being passed for you right now. check the news.

republicans don't care about burn pit vets, so guys like jon stewart have to be "wheeled out". that is the answer to OP.

when did he become an aids patient? is he vaxxed?

He should host the Daily Show again

This also adding legitimacy to a clown show
>zomg! johnstewart is based! Theres hopes
>in the democratic process maybe i wont
>firebomb a federal building now!
Hes so disingenous its like watching a 3 year old
Tell you they didnt write on the wall with the crayons

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>"burn pits"

And agent orange victims

why don't you go "burn pits" in front of a burn pit vet, fucking basement dweller.

Schumer hid a lot of garbage in a bill that was supposed to be about helping veterans. Liebowitz is trying to sell it.

ITT user is confused by altruism.

It gives billion to jews in the jewcare scam to coddle and drug jewbots because they got their feefees hurt being jewbots.

(CNN)The Senate voted Tuesday night to pass a long-sought bipartisan legislation to expand health care benefits for millions of veterans exposed to toxic burn pits during their military service, sending the bill to President Joe Biden to sign into law. The final vote was 86-11.

Passage of the bill marks the end of a lengthy fight to get the legislation through Congress, as veterans and their advocates had been demonstrating on Capitol Hill for days. Many veterans were allowed into the Senate gallery to watch the final vote on Tuesday evening.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced after reaching the deal with Republicans who had blocked the bill from advancing last week while they sought to add cost-controlling amendment votes to the package.
"I have some good news, the minority leader and I have come to an agreement to vote on the PACT Act this evening," Schumer said on the Senate floor. "I'm very optimistic that this bill will pass so our veterans across America can breathe a sigh of relief."
The bill, called the Honoring our PACT Act, was approved by the House of Representatives in July.
The bill widely expands health care resources and benefits to those exposed to burn pits and could provide coverage for up to 3.5 million toxic-exposed veterans. It adds conditions related to burn pit and toxic exposure, including hypertension, to the Department of Veterans Affair's list of illnesses that have been incurred or exacerbated during military service.

He's going to run for office. Bc America needs more jews telling people what to do.

Few know, Jon Stewart is a big big pharma shill.