Tranny surgery

How is this barbaric practice not illegal? "Vaginoplasty" is such a meme. Ripping apart your cock, slicing it into piecing, turning it inside inside out, then stitching it back together does NOT make a vagina. Not only does it NOT make a vagina, it doesnt get close to the real thing. It's such a fucking horrible procedure, basically the lobotomy of our time.

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I am so afraid for the millions that will de transition
Like seriously what will that look like
How do you explain to your future partner that you snipped off your genitals while under the age of 20
Like this is terrifying & will cause mass casualties

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Let the retards do it. You are putting too much work into this.
A few more years and he will rope.
Problem solved.

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boomer medicine in a nutshell, just pure illusion

people worrying about this while tens of thousands of boys are brutally sexually mutilated every day

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>3-4 hours of dilation a day
fucking kek

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>How do you explain to your future partner
You think anyone is gonna marry these people? This shit is a death sentence for most. Once most realize their mistake, they are gonna rope. If I cut my genitals off for clout in a discord chat I'd neck myself. This shit is incredibly sad.

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Most won't, they will just commit suicide. If medical science somehow makes a convinving tranny 50 years from now all the early adopters will be such a shameful embarrassment they will probably be scrubbed from history.

I have a troon in my life (married to a family friend) and I'm mostly sure he got bottom surgery a few weeks ago. It's funny because I keep hearing about this serious surgery he's had, but I have not once heard what it was for.

He is also planning on getting facial reconstruction surgery to make him look "more like a woman". assuming he lives long enough

I'd expect atleast a certain % to live & find partners
But what the fuck is that relationship
Even gay it would be awkward and messy
Not to mention all the use of pain & depression meds they take

Friend of mine trooned out and got the "intestine" one, she's able to fuck and her boyfriend gives rave reviews.

The inside out dick one does not work. I've never even heard of anyone being happy with theirs. The peritoneal pull through one same deal. Intestinal resection does sometimes give a very good result though. But for some reason the docs still push the inside out dick one? It's unclear why.


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I've got my vaginoplasty booked for the end of August, completely paid for by the healthcare system. Can't wait to have so much sex.

bro you missed
>each time
try 6-8 hours

The intestine one is my favorite. "Self-lubricating" vagina where the "lubricant" is intestinal mucus, i fucking LOVE science ! Sigmoid colon vaginoplasty is extra cool because of the increased risk of infection and STDs from microtearing in the colon. It's almost like your fucking intestines are not cock sleeves

half this fucking board is tranny shit and all you faggots reply nonstop saying the same shit
>If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads
>A woman shall not wear man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination

how do you know it's not close to the real thing?
you fucked a tranny in his dickgina before?

>people can do what they want
>being taken advantage of and persuaded to cut your dick off is still wrong & should be called out

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>fucking an insane man's intestines

>will cause mass casualties
It already is

>ending their suggestions with "take a xanax"
what the fuck are we going to do with all of these people in the future when they become derelicts and need mental health services. our homeless problem is already bad enough

is circumcision really still a thing tho? I've had 2 sons in the last 5 years, and i was ready to literally fist fight if they tried to circumcise my boys. it was never even brought up or asked about.

it's hilarious they think they could fool anyone. basically everything is off, and only a moron would not know instantly.

Anyone know what percentage of post-op trannies commit suicide? I have to assume it's above the 41% shit that's always thrown out, but who knows. I don't generally care what adults to themselves as long as it doesn't impact my life. Want to cut off your genitals and/or anything else? Fine, as long as I'm not paying for it. Keep all that shit away from kids though.

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>Like this is terrifying & will cause mass casualties
Not my concern

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>i’m a faggot that pretends to be a chick so i don’t want to get fucked in the ass.
>i’ll turn my dick inside out and attach it to my ass instead!

The surgeons who come up with stuff really need exposing. If there was no such thing as a vaginoplasty, Troons would just go back to tucking and live as they do, but the promise the surgeon will make them a "real woman" creates this insane goal for them, "To be finally be done with my transition". They start wanting it before long they know the details of the surgery, and then sunk cost takes them the rest of the way.

>Now hiring:
>part time Dialator
>20-30hrs a week
>mandatory overtime
>high stress environment
>NO benifits
>compensation $0

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It's a fucking wound you intentionally keep open, you tranny freak. Of course it's going to be painful. It's your body telling you there's something wrong with your body.

In jewSA it is

The fact that it's tolerated anywhere, ever, makes me really angry because it proves nearly everyone is a retard on such a deep level that I cant imagine anything ever working or anyone coming to sense on anything

As a fellow human, I feel bad for these brainwashed freaks. But holy fuck, keep us updated user.

While I agree about circumcision, transgenderism is important to discuss as well. It is state sponsored medical experimentation on individuals with mental issues. How in the world is this still going on and being promoted by major companies and the media? It's completely insane.

Put them in camps. We can detrans the women and lamp post the degenerate axe wound males

Detrans them all with 9mm

and amerimutts call us degenerates

we used to lobotomise mentalists, it'll be seen as barbaric in the future but by then there will be a new horror inflicted on people anyway