What are the political implications of women being at their peak sexual attractiveness at 14?

What are the political implications of women being at their peak sexual attractiveness at 14?

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I lost my virginity when I was around 14 and this is probably the reason for that, me and my gf at the time snuck out and fucked under a bridge while it was raining outside.


Fuck outta here pedo cunt

Arranged marriages under darwinian conditions.

sounds nice, very jealous.
unless she was fat & gross

I bind badly on Any Forums unless
But to the East of Europe, here it's known they should not copy Oceania, Europe, the United States and Canada 1:1 without any other thought.

Sorted that for you OP

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Islam is right about women

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Hordes of childless, loveless old hags voting against men out of spite.

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Pretty much what you would expect for a high school relationship. Not really built to last because we're faggot kids

Now post the real graph

Women like this are mad they missed the boat and see other people getting on it lel

Oppai lolis and gilfs are based

op is a pedo

source: gargle my balls

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I like to look at their pictures and imagine how they pussies would look, their anueses, the smell

What age do you think most people started having kids at in the past? how long did they wait after puberty to have kids in golden ages?

we are not knights of yore or the so called golden ages stop justifying shitty present actions on shitty present actions done in the past "muh ancestor did" yeah they also used lead and mercury to cure lesions/rashes syphilis and whatnot they also did alot more fucked up shit you gonna start doing that as well

in for a penny in for pound mutt

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shitty past actions

you can do that or you can create an AI that automatically predicts pussy and asshole conditions from the face of a roastie, I think the latter can be a very big kek

gotta a cavity? well time to pull out the old turn key

got the clap? where a wig and shoot mercury up your dick

np clean water ? fuck it just drink small beer all the time that would just continue to dehydrate you

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>ancestors fucked and courted girls that were over 13 and under 18 all the time
>no one bats an eye
>feminists and kikes raise the aoc up to 18+
>suddenly normie niggers get all offended
Ever stop to think maybe you're the one that's fucked up user? I mean, you wouldn't even exist if your ancesors weren't dabbling in what is now considered jailbait.

ok Let me rephrase What age do you think people where marrying when the birthrate was stable or positive?

was adam lanza right all along?

they courted and bred young because there lifespans were shockingly low and i mean low

working class? well your lifespan upto 1840s roughly 25 years

ya wanna have a child ? well if ya a lass you will have 4-6 and 5 wont make it to adulthood and you yourself will most likely die during birth or soon after

no im not fucked up your the one stuck fetishizing a past where most of us would not be alive right now

There's nothing quite as great as teenage sex. I enjoyed it very much and i'm glad I still remember it.

>you VILL like old hags
>you VILL marry a feminist
>you VILL respect her body count
>you VILL not listen to your biology

The lifespan average was so low because children and babies died all the time.

it was stable due to the literal insane amount of infant mortality and high general population mortality meant they bred young and bred like crazy knowing only one might reach adulthood

most of these people couldn't conceive the idea of living past 40 fuck it 35

nice bait aint buying it

>tfw my wife and I are in our mid 30s

it's ogre

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If it is okay for parents to vaccinate and sexually transition their 5-year old, is it okay to sell/trade/give their kid to a person for marriage at 10-years old?

Statistically speaking, arranged marriages are more successful than letting a woman chase fantasys.