Anglos will always be the most repulsive people on the planet

Disgusting retarded farm animals. These pasty subhuman vermin are meth addicted goblins.

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What inbreeding does on an island.


Ive seen quite a bunch of english people living around my town and most of them are pretty attractive

Nah they are OK all things considered.

Thats fluorosis. From fluoride added to water. It actually affects darker skinned ppl worse, the darker the skin the worse its effects. They must have a lot of fluoride in the water there.


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Also, I am 100% Anglo with a British passport and all, and I have never had a cavity and never needed braces.

$20k and he'll be super chad

stay mad chinks

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1. kikes
2. niggers
3. anglos

Kikes & communists literally cannot stop seething about superior Anglo-Saxons & the British Empire kekekekekek

Remember that time when your average NIGGER was mistaken for an interdimensional-demon? but yeah its the whites that are ugly LMAO.

Yes my friend, Whites are so ugly that Japanese instinctively create their most attractive and cool characters with specifically Anglo features? I mean they didn't make Anglos the aesthetic core of their most prominent Art-Style for no reason; everyone knows white people are beautiful compared to the rest of the lot.

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Anglos are pathetic little brain dead weasels. Every anglo is a inbred faggot you sausage faced cunt. Go kys you genetic dead end pigskins acne covered chimps.

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Amerishit are you really that stupid ? They don't base anime characters off pasty mayocel faggots. Anime uses a wide variety of features on characters . Btw their no such thing as anglo features you trailer park KFC shitstain. Go back to self-defecating on your old smelly couch. Don't post low IQ takes like that it really shows how inferior anglos are.

> insulting a country
> hiding behind a meme flag

What’s going on big guy?

>Anime uses a wide variety of features on characters
and not a single one of those "features" are present on native japanese. keep coping retard, whites will always be the most diverse and attractive race.
anyone non-white has to default to tan/brown skin, brown/black hair, brown/black eyes, and shitty socialist attitudes. Anyone non-white looks and acts the exact same.

Your faggotry bores me, dear memeflaggot

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Anime was NEVER based on pasty faggot anglos. The fact you keep pushing that dumb fuck false theory shows me how much of worse low life swamp creature you really are. Everybody would laugh at your dumb fuck take.