By Whom?

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Inflation has led to poor people stealing to survive.

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po peepo need dey spaym
we need spam prograns n shiet

Based. This is why I voted Biden, I wanted poors to suffer.

If you're just gonna steal food, then why steal Spam instead of filet mignon?

By whomst

By whomstn't

Any Home with this at the front door means you can walk in and take what you want.

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I walked into a store that had that when I used to work in the inner-city. It gave me such a foreboding feeling that was very palpable. Little did I know that what was about to happen. I smell that day of the store is still indelible in my mind. It was soapy and detergent like, very fragrant. I didn't know at the time, but some niggers would stand out near the parking lot looking for marks go into the store. I guess I fit their target being a non-Black guy and whathaveyou. Unbeknownst to me as I was shopping for small trinkets and snacks, I was being stalked by a negress who was sent there to reconnoiter for the strongman outside. As I'm approaching my car I can hear footsteps getting closer to me but attempting to match my pace so as fool the presence of the mind. BAM, I fell to the ground. My first reaction was to check my head because of the massive pain and fractional blindness I had for a second. As I clutch my head and later put if forward for inspection, I see blood, lots of blood. Then I hear the nigger say "give me everything you got right now or you die right now" in nigger speak of course, I cleaned it up. I was so dazed and confused that I don't even remember giving him the keys but the video shows I did. I suffered a concussion, fractured skull and lost consciousness and required PT. The nigger and his negress went through all my pockets. They took everything. Now, whenever I trivial stuff behind glass or plastic, I get PTSD.

niggers of course

Hawaiians and similar want spam more than steak because historically it was one of their staple foods (srsly)

because you cant sell a room temp steak, retard. Spam & Tide can both be immediately sold for cash and are basically just a form of nigger money in the hood. No different than soups in jails

I know its not the Chinese, because

Baby formula and lotions are also currency for niggers.

people steal it to sell it quickly for actual money. the internet has facilitated trading. You think a cop is gonna investigate where you got that spam can you sold? You tell him you don't recall, it was at welgreens I think?
>what day
>idk sometime at end of may
>imagine thinking a cop will watch almost two months worth videos to track a theft of some can.

niggers are not human

you relaxed. around blacks. don't do that.

Dey ar our reparations n shieeet

Oh so you don't care about people
>real progressive of you

Because stealing less than 1000 dollars has been decriminalized by Democrats so niggers steal 999 dollars worth of goods everyday which resulted in Walgreens leaving San Francisco altogether?

anyways, I learned the hard way to never, ever, ever, ever relax. If you do, you're surely to die. I'd rather people figure out I'm racist than experience that again. I still have random seizures and the TBI. I also sometime lose my vision. The nigger hit me with a concealed tire iron. I also had to have plastic surgery because my scalp muscles became weaker and made my face droopy.

thats pretty shitty user. hope you're alright internally. don't be scared to go to a psychologist they can use EDMR to get rid of that shit


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Being born has led niggers to steal to not have to get a job.
ftfy faggot

recent video talks about a therapy technique where you move your eyes side to side while recalling a traumatic memory and it helps you detach from it.

They can brush their teeth with their fingers and just not wipe their bottoms after they go poop.

American tech against stealing. Niggers will never understand how open it.