What are legal/non-violent things I can do if I am unhappy with demographic change?

What are legal/non-violent things I can do if I am unhappy with demographic change?

After hours of soul-searching and many conversations in lefty circles, I have determined I simply don't like brown people. They are ugly and act like savages. Indians have animosity/envy toward whites as well. I have tried being "not racist" my whole life and it has only resulted in me ceding my culture and my communities and living as a doormat. I would rather die than continue this.

I have tried learning Japanese (can speak 2nd grade conversations) expressly as a way to get way from blacks and gays. It has been a huge respite, but I am seeing more and more brown people learning Japanese as well so it's a matter of time for them as well.

My ideal society would be a white version of Japan. A hardworking culture of people dedicated to excellence in the arts, the sciences, and all aspects of life. Not people interested in stupid things like tattooing themselves and fishing for social acceptance on instagram by dating blacks.

What can I do? Is the advice "Just have kids incel" really enough? In today's society, convincing a white woman to have children is nearly impossible. You are lucky if you even get one or two kids from a desperate white woman in her thirties who wants to earn attention from her circle of friends, but you only have a 25% chance to actually parent your kids (66% divorce rate * 91% family courts awarding children to women). And to be honest, even if I get my kids kidnapped by the state and have to pay alimony, that's totally worth it as long as I know there will be fewer brown people occupying soil in the future.

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It would seem like an entirely new culture that cuts itself off from the mainstream is what's necessary. Essentially a new language altogether. English speaking society has turned itself unilaterally against white people. Thus, white people have to become self-sufficient and create fully parallel societies (from the internet, to entertainment, eventually to the sciences themselves). White people have to accept the English speaking world has turned on them and only seeks to slowly whittle at their genetic population until they have been unnoticeably fully replaced.

What can I do? Moving to Asia won't truly solve my problem, but America and Europe are brainwashed into accepting the deaths of their own people through migrational warfare and shaming anyone who speaks against it. I like the beauty of the white race and I would rather die than give it away. I don't think it's fair that our elites decided that the appropriate thing to do is turn everyone a shade of brown instead of respecting the beauty of individual peoples.

Indians were the only employees at any stores in my area to not force masks in 2020. They'd also hang American flags. Black people saw that BLM and Antifa only sought to create conflict, and not propel or support or solidify the black community in any meaningful or long term way.

Bake a pie. Take the pie to your neighbor. Talk to the neighbor. Repeat.

>be a man
>bake a pie
what r u gay or somethin?

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Meat pie is manly

Grow balls first, until you don't mind comitting acts of violence. Then commit ethnically motivated violence

>Indians were the only employees at any stores in my area to not force masks in 2020. They'd also hang American flags.
They will eternally be envious and spiteful of you for no reason other than being white. Their own society worships white skin. They only view you as an opportunity or an obstacle.

>Black people saw that BLM and Antifa only sought to create conflict, and not propel or support or solidify the black community in any meaningful or long term way.
A minority of them did. A majority of them saw it as another opportunity to bash white people and shamelessly took it. Burning. Looting. Psychologically abusing white people whenever possible.

An Indian store where I lived had a huge painting on the side of its wall of the Earth and a bunch of hands holding each other. It said "All Lives Matter" and was there years before the BLM retardation. Then what happened? Someone spray painted over the "All" and wrote "BLACK" instead
And after that? The entire mural is gone. Painted over with a boring blank yellow.

A passed by a symbol of positivity every single day on my way to work, and niggers ruined it.

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Lots of unattended power boxes in the black neighborhoods

>and niggers ruined it.
Resentful insecure people can only ruin things because their existence is pain itself, therefore they hate the joys that life brings because it reminds them of what they aren't.

I'm not mocking these people. I relate to being born in a way that breeds resentment or insecurity because I'm not perfect myself. But when it's clear that most people prefer White features, you wonder why the cultural elites are trying so hard to gaslight people into believing that's not the truth.

Attached: this-is-america1.jpg (600x459, 356.55K)

Become a serial killer that only targets urban youths. Literally nobody will care. Just use a set up thats popular among scientists and engineers and make it look like it was done by a rival peace envoy.

Indians are based in general. Slumdog millionaire was good, prove me wrong.
That is a shame, but I think at the end of the day the All Lives Matter mentality has outlasted the artificial and dividing "black lives matter" propaganda.
I think only a minority of the minority took part in the rioting and damaging property. Most see that BLM is strictly a political movement now.

see Mennonite and Mormon

Some type of rancid liquid and water balloons maybe?

>"Just have kids incel"
This is not advice, this is a flex
They know full well it's the same as telling someone with depression "just cheer up"
It's their counterpart to YWNBAW and 41%

It's simple:





They're not competent in the sciences or arts. Japan is while keeping out the browns.

>Indians are based in general. Slumdog millionaire was good, prove me wrong.
Regardless if there are good things about their society, they will only resent Whites. They only see you as an opportunity or an obstacle.

Fed post by op.
Nigger if you wanna make changs then go do some violent shit.
You can join the same people that are burning down food processing plants and fertilizer plants. You can go full hard on and do what’s not on their list, do a coordinated strike on power stations and shiit all the shit down. I’ve done the math and it would take at a minimum 20 people to shut down half of Texas. That’s a lot of square mile and imagine what you could do with a smaller geographical area. You might even meet a glowie that’s already there while you’re trying to achieve a goal.

A lot more people agree with you than you might think.
They have different reasons, but a sizeable percentage think our society is fucked.
In my experience, they are all white. Create a community.

vote against the faggy anti-abortion shit

There is no political solution. Neither side has a platform of creating white communities.

The Orania model is good. You can look up pool parties, polstrat, or email Way of the World to get anonymously introduced to some based people in your area. I would start by making based friends, getting gfs, and buying adjacent plots of land neighboring a declining, white, small town. Slowly subvert and take over the town.
good starter advice.

>Create a community.
How would you suggest doing this?

>good starter advice.
What did he mean by that? It seemed like a troll reply.

It's simple, learn the truth. Visualize a world without Niggers-Jews-Chinks-Sand Niggers, most would think it'll be a utopia that'll continue to improve but sadly they're wrong. Everything people complain about is only a distraction from their shit lives, Everything will get worse because of the fact that we're only human.
>Disadvantageous genetic mutations are FAR more likely than favorable ones
>Humanity evolved up-to this point with a child mortality rate of 40-50%(The weak an dysgenic no-longer die)
>IQ is falling/Mental disorders are on the rise.

It's MUCH worse than you think, but people simply ignore it because they want something/Someone to screech about an be angry at.

honestly alot of white people are going to have to die off. it is an ecological cycle. deer herd overpopulates, uses up available food sources, the weak starve, the strong survive

Talking to your neighbors or white people in your area is a good way of finding potential allies in a decentralized way.

>>Humanity evolved up-to this point with a child mortality rate of 40-50%(The weak an dysgenic no-longer die)