What the fuck is the US doing? Is it trying to hold a dick measuring contest...

What the fuck is the US doing? Is it trying to hold a dick measuring contest? Is it trying to piss off China to force them to start a war? Is this about the semiconductors?

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dumb nigger we're testing out our deepfakes
nancy "landed" in a greenscreen with adobe premiere
but let those chinktards down an empty plane so we can glow it up

if you mutts meme us in to a war. i'll hunt you down and murder you

China needs a war so they can blame the economy that the CCP fucked up on someone else before they have mass rebellion.

Biden sees a wartime presidency as a sure re-election.

There you go.

Lol china is all bark and wont do shit.

You won't do shit, nigger. Get nuked.

Yeah ok bud

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do you have any taiwanese girls to spare?

2 more weeks

I think you're overreacting, just like the CCP

its about that drunk old hag being an attention whore

it's name is Formosa, it should go back to Japan. Then you would see some sparks fly.

China are moving into the South China and will kick out competing claimants one by one. They may or may not save Taiwan for last, but that will likely be the conflict that triggers Taiwan's final war as an "independent" state. The US tried to stop the incursions before China could fully establish itself but failed, tipping out hand to China that they will ultimately be able to dominate the entire area in good time. Provocations like the current one don't have the tit-for-tat slapstick consequences that are the only kind of conflict your average chud is capable of comprehending, but rather become an element of the plan over the long term.

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Former Anglosaxon here. Democrats were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first to ask when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course of Russia and China.

After decades of watching Democrats backtracking, beating around the bush and even making backdoor deals with China and Russia I was sceptic but I didnt want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole to much. Remember how quick Hillary surrendered her 14 year old daughter to Diplomats from China in The Lincoln Bedroom? We know it was Hillary who sold out my fellow Glowniggers at Benghazi and Hillary and VP Biden who sold all of our uranium to Russia.

Today I am convinced that only Republicans have real leadership qualities and Democrats are just big talk no action inside traders.. You should seriously consider your vote in the next midterms if you made the same error and fell for the Democrat meme.

>. Democrats were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first to ask when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course of Russia and China.

>Is it trying to hold a dick measuring contest? Is it trying to piss off China to force them to start a war? Is this about the semiconductors?
All above

Does anyone else think it would be a nice touch for the US to restore European colonial possessions in China, just for the symmetry of the thing? I mean obviously the Americans would deserve the lion's share of the spoils, but it would be adorable and fitting to see Hong Kong, Macau and Formosa restored.

fuck china lol

>What the fuck is the US doing?
Might makes right and it's time to put things where they belong, China is fast tracked to annihilation, their out of control commie arrogance will be tolerated no more. They shall feel the love of a million sun like the other gooks got roasted before them.

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>Is it trying to piss off China to force them to start a war?
Yes. JewSA is about to enter deepest crisis since the Great Depression, and before focusing internally they sow chaos all over the World.

First of all, Taiwan is China and the Communist Asian tyranny is not.

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>Is it trying to piss off China to force them to start a war?
Yes. Biden is owned by China. Peter Henderson

Deplete the US military through the vax, kicking people out who aren't vaxed, and then sending all the weapons to Ukraine. Then after the military is fully depleted, start a war with China to finish off the US

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nothing, it's a meaningless gesture that only matters because they care

Based nato bro

it's about making China bleed in a proxy war.