Friendly reminder that Braveheart is Jewish Propaganda

>In 1290, King Edward I issued an edict expelling all Jews from England. The expulsion edict remained in force for the rest of the Middle Ages.
This is why jews hate medieval england. this is why jews hated longshanks and portrayed him as an impotent cuck in (((braveheart))). this is why jews love joan of arc
Contrary to what the media tells you, the constant wars between scotland were really a dynastic dispute between normans on both sides, both william wallace and robert the bruce being normans fighting against their norman brethren across the border. Longshanks eventually grew some balls and kicked the jews out that his ancestor Willaim the Conqueror had brought in, along with taking all their property, which caused huge amounts of kvetching among the jews, many of which fled to scotland and france.
Joan of Arc was a proto-freemason who, along with Giles de Rais, a child murdering proto-freemasonic killer, were financed by jewish powers to attack the english. Medieval England was the national-socialist germany of its day, and because jews are pissed off with him and love creating propagand against their enemies (like saying hitler was a drug addict with one ball) they created braveheart, where the one who expelled them is portrayed as a weakling with a gay son who gets cucked, instead of the 6'2 gigachad that Edward the first AKA longshanks actually was

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its a good movie, who gives a shit about the real history

Scotland Rightfully should be it's own Kingdom with it's own King and Absolute Monarchy. However Longshanks was based af. I like Louis IX more tho.

It's jewish propaganda as well as being the most historically innacurate film ever made
in reality longshanks was named the hammer of the scots for a reason, he was a 6'2 towering giant who expelled the jews and btfo'd bothj the welsh and the scots

Is this the reason why Mel hates them so much? He was tricked by them when was a young normie

>jewish propaganda
>directed by mel gibson

There are a LOT of american crypto jews today named wallace. All over the South, and a lot of them are ex slave owners. Louisiana, probably every SINGLE wallace.

William Wallace was taller than Longshanks by 5 inches and Robert the Bruce was apparently the same height as him as well.


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William Wallace is 7 feet tall. And, he shoot lightning bolts out of his arse.

>all speculation
We have records and evidence showing that Longshanks was a 6'2 giant
>portrays scots as being highlanders wearing kilts
In reality Wallace, robert the bruce and everybody there would be dressing the same as the english, lived in the lowlands. wallace was a literal nobleman who would have been dressed in armour

I just watched Braveheart and Outlaw King last night. Fucking Kino. I didn’t know Edward was so based. I guess the Scottish were the Ukrainian globohomo of those times. Probably why they wore skirts and makeup

Mel Gibson owns a Private Island where he rapes and eats babies just like all the others.

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Robert didn’t wear a kilt in either movie

I thought Edward the first AKA Longshanks was the old king, who was portrayed as ruthless and alpha as fuck.

I understand jews hold grudges for all of time (still hating the Romans for example), I could care less who did what to who 1000 years ago.

Modern jews I do care about. They must be dealt with to ensure the preservation of our people. The jew has wronged so many, may they feel righteous hellfire in this life and the next! Deux Vult!

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>between normans on both sides, both william wallace and robert the bruce being normans
That is why it was William LeWallace and Robert LeBruce.

Fuck off limey cunt, Frogs never conquered anything over the Wall.

Scots didn't wear kilts or bodypaint at that time. they would have dressed exactly like the english they faced against
Scots were the literal globohomo jewish agents of their day

Scottish Right

>I could care less
Go on then

This is one of the unintentionally funny scenes in a movie ever.

>t."scottish american" living in spain coping hard
The Scots at the time had been ruled by normans for over a hundred years. LMAO
and hadrians wall is completely in england, the scottish english border is a hundred miles above it

And fireballs from his eyes.

>700 years later
>Nigel still assblasted about a guy in a fucking skirt

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The Scots didn't wear kilts at that time
William Wallace was an agent of jewry

the bruce family were of norman origins but i don't know where he's getting wallace from. the name literally means 'briton.' the difference, immediately apparent, is that the bruce family didn't install itself as an invasive settler aristocracy as the normans did in england, something that the english appear to be crypto-bumburned about.

that depends on where they were from, doesn't it? bruce gained a lot of support from the isles, where people would have dressed in the gaelic style tunic/cloak combination, the predecessor of the kilt.

>Braveheart is Jewish Propaganda
From Mel Gibson. LMFAO.

sorry, wrong version (although that was funny)
THIS is one of the most unintentionally funny scenes in a movie ever

Bong is big mad. Your faggot asses got kicked after 1776 too.

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the word kilt literally comes from norse, kilts arent even gaelic
the lowlands of scotland were literally conquered by the romans and Edinburgh used to be an english city, kek


Produced by Mel Gibson Alan Ladd Jr. Bruce Davey

kys kike

>Bong is big mad. Your faggot asses got kicked after 1776 too.
American retard doesn't realise that the highlanders were loyalists in the revolutionary war and fought against the ANGLO patriots.
The last highland charge happened in america when loyalist highlanders tried to charge against patriots and were quickly gunned down

>Scots fighting Anglos
>Anglos literally founded Israel
>Braveheart is jewish propaganda
Fuck off tard

Braveheart is literally jewish propaganda against the man who kicked the jews out of england you kike loving mutt

is the idea of confiscating all their property and kicking them out growing in popularity over there?

kike loving retard

You're a kike or the dumbest of goyim. Gibson is entirely pozzed. Even after Pizzagate, he's still pozzing it up with santa movie married to a nigger.
>You may take our lives, but you'll never take our freedom!
Yeah, I'd say that's the most cucked position in history. There's even subliminal anti-gun rhetoric in this scene.

pal, ALL of Briton used to be an island where criminals and cast aways were sent to work in tin mines at one time. You're descendants of convicts and race mixed scumbags, discarded by the Frisians. They too, got jewed, though. The jews were just too cunning back then, but at least longshanks realized it in the 1200s and kicked them the fuck out.

>seething southern gayboy mad over that time we sent Edward packing
You love to see it.

Your queen's a foreign cunt too, hope she dies soon.

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your country allied with the jews
your people fought against your own people at culloden
everything the scots blame the english for is what you did yourselves you scottish poofter