He do what he gotta do

He do what he gotta do.

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why does fast food make blacks so angry

Nigger proves it has no empathy for its own species yet again, yet we are called evil people for thinking this vermin shouldnt have human rights.

Doing things that had to be done.

wagie genocide is just something you gotta do

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>He do what he gotta do.
Cool, cool. Well, "mom," now what he "gotta do" is rot in prison until he dies.



American blacks are like a parody of humanity.

Remember: the best help you can give a nigger is to get them arrested, so they can do what they do best: pick cotton.
In an orange jumpsuit.
For the profit of White men.

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>But Fulmore, referring to the dead man, said, “There was no reason for him to go outside looking for somebody.
>“Whatever happened outside, you caused that to happen,” she said.
Why are they like this?

Fuck niggers man

What a fucking curse

>He do what he gotta do. They don't think it be like it is, but it do.

Aye lil homie do what it do…GANG GANG

because its meant to be fast, you snooze you loose

kek based NYPost leaving comments open. They know whats up.

>“The fries were cold,’’ Fulmore said. “I asked the girl to change the French fries because the fries was cold. She went to the French fry machine for maybe 10 seconds and brought back fries, so I thought they was new fries, so I had left.

It's funny how Americans are too scared to correct nigger grammar. Cosby wasn't so they saddled him with fifty fake rapes.

dumb question. where do you see blacks that arent angry? they literally chimp out in lines for free shit

Why you keep making this thread, isn't the victim black aswell, so who cares?

>I'm lovin it

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It dey kolcha an shit yo.

>Serve cold fries
>Pretend to change out the fries for new, good fries
>Laugh about it when customer finds out

i support the fry avenger

These people will never be able to assimilate into western society.