
Would Any Forums be happier if you couldn't own land, BUT could own the house on the land, in exchange for lower rents, property tax, and affordable housing? This seems like the endgame of libertarianism too (private monarchies which rent out their own land)

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Why not? Most people aren't going to do anything with land that requires more than 100 years lease.

That's how Hong Kong works. Virtually all land is leased by the state, and those leases are their main source of income.

Hong Kong is a perfect example of ancap policies.
The "state" pays for only housing and roads, financed off rent. Other than that, hands off.

And it's a prosper place as a result, but at the expense of other countries with more strict fiscal policies paying for their defense while their citizens move their money there. I don't know if it would be a better place if the entire world had their system.

I personally think if you only want one tax, property/patrimony/heritage is the way to go. Georgism is close to that but it falls short in the modern world, where land is not as relevant as

>property tax, a
Anyone shilling for any property tax above 0 should be skinned alive

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So feudalism?

A military could be funded by the rent too

No eat shit George

Forget trying to inspire intelligent conversation here m8 most of these retards don't have property nor do they know how fucked property taxes are. I learned about Georgism and am now working my way up in the Texas government (property taxes are fucked since the beaners and cali retards moved in)
Best way to implement good ideas is to do what the Jews do and subvert your government from the inside out

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>private monarchies which rent out their own land
wait lolberts are actually neo-feudalists? i thought it was just a meme

property tax should be the only type of tax

No. That's what is called serfdom. Basically slavery.

Kill yourself immediately you pathetic kike. Kill your family first to make sure they don't make another mega yid

Consumption tax is the only fair tax. There should be no other taxes.

Based non retard

>property tax, no income tax
>the rich pay, can stay rich if not lazy and incompetent, the poor can get rich
>income tach, no property tax
>the rich don't pay, can stay rich while doing nothing, the poor can't get rich

taxing anything else but property is punishing production and people who actually works. If you like to hoard property like the jew you are you should be punished

>anything else but property is punishing production and people who actually works.
>it's better if we punish you for just existing on your own land
Kill yourself twice

we have that already.. it's called a trailer park.. no one living in them is happy.

>the poor can get rich
WRONG retard. And neither of those taxes should exist. But property tax is more kiked.

if you just exist in your land without creating wealth you don't deserve state protection

Imagine paying taxes for being on the soil that God created for us, taxes are theft, plain and simple, imagine this for a second, you pay taxes for merely existing and remaining in the same spot on earth.
Ans americucks will see this a patriotic while claiming to love Jesus when God wants no man to rule over others.

fuck taxes

british hong kong was peak.

the mainlanders and old bitch marget literally destroyed the land

lel kike reveals his true form

i hate taxes a lot expect on the top 1%.

georgism is the only tax i like

I want to own it all, but I'll pay you a portion of my profit. I'll pay extra if I kill a tax collector.

it's not even a fucking property tax, property tax is what Georgists hate, especially since the tax is levied on buildings, yet it will end land speculation if you exempt all taxes including property tax on building except for tax on land value.
This is the polar opposite to feudalism, it liberates rentier class from artificial scarcity created by wealthy people who use land to speculate value.
>consumption tax
>30% poverty rate in UK
am I supposed to be surprised by the fact that the average britbong libes a shittier life than the most run-down low class dweller in my country?

>except for tax on land value.

you are not self suficient. You are protected by law enforcement, the justice system and the US military. Otherwise nothing would stop people from invading and taking your land

Hard to have any money when the government takes most of it.

Adam smith liked a rent tax.

>>except for tax on land value.


Holy fucking hell, even Adam Smith, John Locke and Thomas Paine all said that landlords were a curse and that the only good tax was the tax on land/ground.