What can politicians do to prevent dog attacks?

what can politicians do to prevent dog attacks?

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I hope hell isn’t real

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It is.


brother. youve just arrived. and despite what youve been told. you cannot leave.

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I feel like every time it is brought up, it's like the space nigger selfie picture, but have we determined if she was in fact naked because she was trying to have a threesome with dogs? It's animal abuse man.

Also, I can't imagine having the vanity to still post my selfie and engage in social media. I guess women will take the attention in any form.

this is that girl who tried fucking a neighbor's two pitbulls while they were out of town right?

Mmmmph mmmmphh


hold the dog owner responsible for the attack
>but das raciss he a gud boy dindu nuffin
then dog attacks will escalate as long as the people responsible are left unpunished

99% chance that it’s a pitbull

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>Learn how to turn into Homer Simpson with this one simple trick!

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yeah they found her clothing neatly folded, she was only wearing socks. Apparently the male dog was happy to fuck her but the negress pitbull took offence and bit her face up while they were still knotted, which is a hilarious image. The muh dik pitbull panting with his dik stuck in her while she is dragged around by the sheboon of dogs hahaha

let's apply this to the white man's burden

>found her clothing neatly folded
Proof? I'm pretty sure user's just started saying this. The police didn't disclose this and its not in the video.

surgerybros what the hell am I looking at? what exactly is on her face, how did they do it, what did they do and how does this lead to the final result?

Poor baby. She seemed like a nice girl that really sucks

checked, sinners will burn

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