What are the consequences to society when massive faceless billion dollar corporations are allowed to deplatform and...

What are the consequences to society when massive faceless billion dollar corporations are allowed to deplatform and deperson someone for something they said? In Canada they even went as far as freezing your bank account for protesting. Are we slowly slipping towards a dystopian totalitarian fascist state?

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I don't know but she should closer her fucking legs and taking a shower because it's rank.


What's the problem sweety? You don't like our globalist utopia? Feel free to move to Afghanistan.

Anyone who makes a living being an online "influencer" or "onlyfan producer" doesn't have a real job.

Close your legs whore.

The coal burner gets what she deserves

Shut the fuck up you stupid cuntoid.

You new here?

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i like how her pissclams are accentuated by "Shame Shame Shame Karma hope shut down"

2020 I had all my accounts banned. That's why I'm here
I've only been banned here maybe 50 times
I remember when you could say anything on the internet. The old bulletin boards and IRC rooms had no filters. Now everyone gets offended at the slightest remarks. They silenced me and now I shitpost on pol like newfag.

Why do people type essays on an app that is made for 5 second videos i never know

They would do it with post-it notes on a wall if that's where the eyeballs were.

>y'all support abuse of women
She does have a point. Half of the internet is porn. Most of those girls made shit money for those scenes too

Yeah boo fucking hoo, we all have problems, nothing can be solved by crying, learn to do something useful.

The best paid artists of our time (Hunter Biden and such don't count) all draw porn. Usually furry porn.

And 99.9% of them did it willingly because spreading your legs for an hour on camera is easier than being a housewife or working a full-time job


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just death. if you're lucky, more will die on their side than yours. that's how you win. good luck.


anyone got her onlyfans leaks?

I kind of like how she's sitting. The best part is right up front for all to see. It's quite efficient.

Same bud. I guess I still consume through YouTube. They ban a lot but there's still some counter culture allowed there to a small degree. Other than that I'm not on anything much any more. The internet died and was resurrected as an opiate for anyone weak enough to succumb to it.

i fucking hate the antichrist