Boomers are staying in jobs and not letting younger workers advance

>Boomers are staying in jobs and not letting younger workers advance
>Boomers refuse to sell their ugly McMansions
>Boomers have billions in index funds
What happens to the economy and various markets when these people die? I'm not even talking about inheritance, just the pure market effects of having all these individuals disappear and not having nearly enough money or humans to replace them. Have we ever seen such a spike of wealth contraction & consolidation before?

Attached: boomer wealth.png (2300x2227, 163.95K)

>when these people die?
I still have about 25 years left according to family history. How old will you be then?

I was wondering the same. And will there be a bunch of empty houses within a decade or so?

their kids will inherit the house

Not all of em

Not when they take out reverse mortgages to keep consooming

>their kids will inherit the house
Implying the selfish and unhealthy nature of boomers means they won't have run up mountains of debt. Unless you are moving in and taking care of gramps and changing his diapers the state and the various financial institutions are going to step in and take everything.

Americans just love kicking their kids out the house ate the game of 18, this countries screwed. Meanwhile the hispanics live together like sardines in a package.

The boomers are already dropping like flies. Housing will never be more available within the next couple of years.

>sorry kid we reverse-mortgaged the house to pay for our cruises

God is great,
Beer is good.
And people are crazy.

Not enough humans to replace them? What are people going to stop fucking or something?

56. Maybe then I can afford my first house

>What are people going to stop fucking or something?
user, I...

according to male virginity rates going up, yes they will stop fucking.

>media convinces boomers to reverse mortgage their properties in retirement
>boomers spend all that money cruising and vacationing til they die
>no money left to pay off reverse mortgage, banks claim their property
>inheritance taxed out the ass so even if banks didnt claim everything, descendants still dont get everything
banks will own all the property and use artificial scarcity to control prices by only selling a small % and renting out the rest

Funny story:
When I was 15 my mom died in a car accident and my dad wouldn't let us live with him since he had a new wife and he didn't want us around messing things up for them. My older sister had to take online classes so she could work and pay rent and buy groceries her senior year just to keep us together.
Pretty great generation, right? Had a couple uncles mooch around for what they could steal and from dads side we got nothing. No flowers. No card. Not even a phone call.
FF 20 years and my 101 year old grandma was in rough shape and we thought we were going to lose her (we didn't 102 here we come!)
Anyway everyone worried about grandma and my 80 year old aunt started crying to my sister
>what will I do without a mom?!?!
Not one thought about the moment buried as children, alone with no family around us. No thought even for grandma who this was actually happening to, just only one thought, ever
>but what about me??
There are no words for the selfishness and all encompassing hedonism of your generation. You're a useless drain on every generation around you and always have been.

the same shit happened with the drug dealing market. people used to GTFO, but then the boomers decided to stick around and not allow the next generation of elites to occupy the space.

they won't die
boomers are pumped full of demonic black blood magic that will keep them alive forever

Ah, no, sorry Davie boy, the house has been reversed mortgage so mom and dad could take that final cruise, the Jews at the bank own it now, or, if they don't, you owe more money than it's worth.

Their life savings will go to the nonwhites staffing the healthcare sector to keep them alive as long as technologically possible, futility be damned.

This. They will burn through every last penny to live 6mo longer, any inheritance that could slightly help you, be damned.