WW3 just ended

The Chinks lost to an 80 year old whore

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Chink Reddit is fucking lit right now. Weibo is even saltier. I’m actually starting to get concerned that China has become captive to its own nationalist propaganda and Xi will HAVE to do something to stay in power. Chinks are seething over this globally and Xi looks like a total faggot

oh no!
chinks are seething with impotent rage were doomed.

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>kids in the future turn their textbooks to learn about ww3:
>china tells Pelosi to not come over there
>she does anyways
>the end

>Xi looks like a total faggot
I mean. He behaved like a total faggot

80 year old alcoholic whore

Xi doesn't have to do shit, if they complain they get 50 years in bauxite mine and forced to play Hong Kong 97 until they expire

she also landed in kiev a few months ago.

in one move she ended china

Chinks btfo

80 year old woman humiliates Communist Dictactor and Country with this one weird trick!

Pelosi flossed on them yellows hard, no cap

>fat, low Iq nazis think they won already
>They unironically think there won't be a response
Picrelated: bmi chart

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Anti-China racists who use made in china products everyday and have to doublethink their way out of this contradiction to not neck themselves

Idk, Americans are pretty used to using products made with slavery.

>The Chinks lost to an 80 year old whore

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china has more obese people than any other nation

no really, do something about it chinks, you can probably just get a gang of mother fuckers to get the witch, instead you just seething on the internet

Geez, get the Madam Speaker some baby blood she's looking a little tired.

nobody cares what you think. your country is not relevant, wannabe nazi.


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>tfw vaxxed

China & Rusia: 95% bluff.

Maybe this was the media exaggerating? Blowing things out of proportion which explains why we were expecting a nuclear reaction from the Chinese?

If you are throwing such a tantrum fit that it makes the entire planet turn their heads, and then you sit down and DO NOTHING, you are going to be perceived not only as weak but also as pathetic, bitch, cocksucking crybaby asswipes.

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she reps cali by talkign to chinks. mmkay.

The Russians at least invaded the ukraine

the sour milk gambit, powerful