"I'm Autistic Too, Buddy"

Alex Jones to Parkland father, just now



Attached: Jones.jpg (669x275, 73.01K)

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>no pics
>no vids
>literally who checkmarks
Yeah I'm sure this happened.


Wasn't parkland it's sandy hook parents

>absolutely shocking
lmao the pearl clutching has jumped the shark
will these people ever stop pretending to be offended and just admit they wanna get people in trouble with the teacher?

Why is it illegal to sandy hook is fake

(It is)

After seeing this garbage judge in Texas, and seeing how england handles the Assange case. It is fairly obvious that these two "rule of law" countries have peaked and are heading for a massive 3rd world decline. And at this point anyone might as well move to Mexico or Argentina for a better chance at a rule of law instead of US and UK.

Defense should call David Hogg as a witness. And those college kids that look just like the Sandy Vag victims.

Wouldn't suprise me if Jones is on the spectrum. You would have to be to be able to see the patterns he sees so effortlessly.

"Autistic" is used outside of its (shaky) clinical definition, ya know

There is no defense allowed. The judge ruled him guilty, the jury is just deciding how much of $150 million he has to pay. It's worse than african kangaroo courts.

The judge is the biggest cunt of all time. She literally says he's not allowed to elicit testimony proving his innocence.

Ohhh, "slur about autism", got it.

It's not, Alex Jones is being sued in civil court for emotional damages to the parents. He has been found guilty by the judge and now the jury gets to decide how much he has to pay, up to $150 million.

Attached: 1612335534401.gif (236x250, 1.47M)

>because youre trying to shut my mouth, youll never succeed
absolute truth right there

That's not what she said. She actually ruled him guilty. The trial is just to let the jury put a monetary value on the emotional distress Alex Jones caused.

i hope aliens destroy this fucking planet right now

When she spoke to Alex's lawyer today she literally said that word for word.

He will pay 6 Million $

She said that because he has already been found guilty. He can't even bring up innocence.

protestant nations wont survive without the indoctrination of the bible.

There is a list of things he cant bring up including..
>free speech
>supreme or district court rulings
>anything alluding to the fact Alex Jones was not the actual shooter
>anything about the nature of the emotional damage
>why the family took 7 years to file a suit
>who ruled Alex Jones guilty

So basically
>A parent gives Jones water and probably losenges for his torn larynx
>A father has a civil conversation
>The lawyer, incensed, starts cursing and feeling he has the right to be indignant and angry when the actual victims decided not to be

>all schizos are autistic
wow who saw that coming

The actual court documents are on some locals page stating that.

I think either the max of $150 million or something trivial like $1

One of the members of the jury asked the judge if "trials like this can be used against election deniers"

Attached: send help.gif (576x323, 1.62M)

>jewish lawyers care about this case 1000x more than the parents

why am i not surprised

Autism is based