Why do Aussies still so loyal to the BRITISH Queen

Pic related. New senator Lidia Thorpe refused to bow down to the Queen of England.

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She 100% fucks abos

Dont even know who she is, sounds like a dumbass

We're definitely out after that old cunt Elizabeth goes to hell.
>inb4 'we'

She did bow down and read the card as she was told.

she is an abo.

so no, she probably doesn't fuck abos.

>Britcucks trying to project their cuckoldry obsession onto Australians
Abbos are nothing like Black people btw. I would much rather be around indigenous people than around africunts

Actually she was forced to swear allegiance to the queen which is pretty funny
She’s actually insane tho, disregards the legitimacy of parliament whilst taking a fat pay check for being a senator, makes sense, totally not a hypocrite there

Because Australians are as dumb as dogshit. The queen is a literal parasite, no different to a dole bludger.

Why don't they just fuck off back into the bush, ungrateful cunts.

>fist in air

Who introduced her to watered down marxism?


Make women property again. They have no business anywhere near politics.

She had to cede sovereignty to the queen to be sworn in kek

her dad left and all her uncles raped her so she hates the queen, pretty obvious.

We are British

No one knows they are too hard to understand,” a ding dongdulla me bonganas an a VB with a wollibindang”.

So we just smoke and nod.

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>Why don't they just fuck off back into the bush
They do, and then complain there's no amenities. We're talking about creatures who rip up the floor boards of the free houses the govt builds for them to use for their bonfires. There are stories of some of them lighting indoor fires because they don't know how the use the fucking stove. I know someone who works in the abo Affairs ministry and he tells me if the stories he'd seen get published, people would be unable to think of them as human.

abos have no right to complain

Imagine living in a country that’s a monarchy lmaoooo

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ok chang