49 straight days of declining gas prices

>49 straight days of declining gas prices
>climate bill finally passed
>al-Zawahiri killed
>china eternally BTFO and humiliated over Taiwan

Don't call it a comeback.

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Repeat the line.

Wtf I love democrats now

49 turds in his soiled diapers

>>climate bill finally passed
Oh fuck what now

When gas is under 2 dollars then you crow about it
No one cares about Rag head #1,678
Biden works for China

chud bros...we got too cocky

This nigga dead

I like the new steroid infused Biden.

2 more months and Trump's going to jail, MIGAtards

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Uhhh I believe it's two more more weeks and trump is shitting and farting like never before right now

Good governance

I don’t think he’s been alive in years, I hear also killed an already dead Al qaeda too.

It's not a comeback. Our hard earnings are already drained and the fucker never gave us the rest of the stimulus he promised the people. He's a lying crook laundering money through Ukraine and will comfortably retire to his child sex trafficking island.

Don’t forget the vaxxed four times and got Covid twice in two weeks.
>who cares about the dead Al Qeada guy?
>climate bill also has a WV gas pipeline in it and won’t do shit for the climate
>how has China been btfo? Because Nancy stopped by Taiwan for 4-8 hours?
>gas is still up $2.50 a gallon since Joe took office
I won’t call it a come back, because it’s not and shits going to get worse.

Trump's on the verge of death Finally someone with some sense Cope & seethe magatard

I'm not breathing a sigh of relief on lowering gas prices until it gets back down in the $2 range AND Uncle Joe stops draining our strategic petroleum reserve.

Nope, jumped up to $4.00 again to where I'm at. City prices jumped, too.

I cant wait until liberals are killed openly.

>49 straight days of declining gas prices
Still higher than in 2020 by almost $2

>climate bill finally passed
Mining lithium and a 1000 other things in that bill are more detrimental to the earth. Also we're sending BILLIONS of our money to China to help them "go green"

>al-Zawahiri killed
He was a product of our stupid decisions in the middle east/Afghanistan. You can't claim a victory.

>china eternally BTFO and humiliated over Taiwan
Meanwhile, we're sending more money to them than ever before.

Joe Biden is a pedophile and the father of a crackhead pedophile son

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That's not very patriotic of you.
MAGAtards are the biggest traitors since the civil war.

I will be voting for Donald Jefferson Trump in 2024. Thank you.

NIGGER and herbed.

His middle name is John

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>49 straight days of declining gas prices
They're still way over 4 bucks. The only reason it's stabilized was Biden opening up the oil reserves which once they are depleted gas will be even more expensive. It's a band aid on a dam. He just did this shit to make himself not look like such a total disaster before the midterms. And it's not a fix, in the future it will make things even worse. Watch.
>climate bill finally passed
And then you feature why the gas is so high in the first place. Derp.
>al-Zawahiri killed
Who? Whatever.
>china eternally BTFO and humiliated over Taiwan
Not at all. They're going to do it.

Comeback from what?

> Don't call it a comeback.
Don’t call it a fake gay MSM psyop!

>49 straight days of declining gas prices
Still over $4 in most areas.
>climate bill finally passed
Not yet. And it's so stripped down that it's barely anything.
>china eternally BTFO and humiliated over Taiwan
Wow, you PWNED CHINA. Meanwhile our supply chain is still 100% reliant on China. Great job.