50% of under 30 Japanese males are virgins

>50% of under 30 Japanese males are virgins

What went wrong?

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Who cares. What % of women under 30 are virgins?

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Nothing. Woman are exhausting.

I wouldn't want to fuck an asian girl either

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Womens rights.

Women only mate with men above their level.

This was ok when women couldn't work and all men were above her level.

You want to destroy a country better than nuking it? Educate and empower its women.

Why can't the best looking races have a nigger levels of libido and muh dik while the shitskin have little interest in breeding?

Now what about the woman

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Work culture
That'll drive any man insane. It's already bad in America but at least the option of remote work is there if you can snag it.

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because uncherry picked gook look like this

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Equal rights to women.

At least she's funny. I wouldn't mind a funny woman as long as she can cook.

fuck almost...

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off by one

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The women aren't doing any better

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I can't believe Jahy is fucking dead.

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How do you fuck those things?

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>More women virgins than males

Feminism/female emancipation. Women are no longer expected to marry a man and have children in order to be "successful" (in the men's world) and have financial security. They live """"independently"""" now, which of course spells disaster for the economy/industry/development and birthrate long term.

They ascended to another plain of enlightenment and consciousness where they evolved passed their sex obsessed primitive lizard brain.

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>tfw no qt virgin japanese gf
Why is the world so unfair? I just want a pure inocent woman to love. Wish i could move to japan.

Their women are being worked to death too ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯


for me it's third row up second from right

this is the important question

can I invite a jap to come over and marry me uwu?

Not in Japan. There’s immense social pressure on women to get married and have kids young here

Top kek saved

I don't mind if her personality is pleasant to be around.

ok time to move to nippon and land some trad jap wife

What are the Japanese female stats?

No idea. I dont keep track of nip women.

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Why don't they do it then
I wish my boy Abe would live to see state enforced gf program. Unironically the only way I can see how it is possible in modern society to make fuckers breed outside of artificial wombs.

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