So in America do people hate young white men irl as much as they do online?

I mean it seems pretty much everywhere on twitter and I read stories about how womens studies professors teaching the class that white men caused all their problems. How does it translate to irl? Do people hate (young in particular) white men in America as much irl as they do online? What about white women? What about non white women? Non white men? Fuck, other white men. Im English not American so thats why I ask

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Women, White people, children, eldery, and disabled are the only groups of people in the world who receive hatred and oppression.

Depends on the place.

IRL everyone loves white chad no matter what they say online. If you're 6'3 white chad you can literally tell women that they're fat and gross and they need to lose weight because no one wants kids with a fat slob and you can tell black girls that black people commit way too much crime.

And they'll love you for it.

Babies are literally circumcised.

not rly. i just say "fuck off" and then we become frens.

Yes, children.

Yes. In Texas everyone race mixes. I rarely see a white couple.

Young women who come out with a real hatred of white men in the west, usually end up pumped and dumped hundreds of times over and either fall into hard drugs or a wine glass.

Who do white guys get with?

Nah not really. People are friendly if you're friendly. Just be a normal person and you're fine. Probably still helps to be a White guy cause on average you're taller than most races. I'm kind of average for a White guy (5 10) but this still puts me as taller than most Asian and Latino men and a good amount of Black dudes. So it all helps.

This is laughable. Women aren't capable of hatred like men are. Women who hate someone want to get away from them. Men who hate you want to torture you and everyone you love in unimaginable ways.


So basically no the internet doesn't really exist to people IRL. Even the gayest art hoes I dated few years back believed in CRT and all that dumb shit, but they're also very aware of reality and that nuance exists. Lemme tell ya I never tried to debate that chick but she was perfectly rational as much as an art hoe can be ya dig?

Basically america as a place is nothing like the drama shit flinging you read anywhere on the internet. Average people act pretty heterogenously regardless of race or the state of culture. Like maybe political garb like a trump hat could trigger someone IRL, but even then in reality I have witnessed 0 partisan nutjobbery. Face to face americans are nothing like any interaction you have online, even video calling is a completely different experince.

What happens?

Latinas. Blacks. Indians. The few other whites there are. Same thing with white women. It's really depressing to me.

>as much as they do online?
First of all, the internet isn't real life; secondly, in America we're heavily segregated despite what people think. Minorities live in cities, whites and some minorities live in the suburbs, and whites live rurally.

No it's all shills.

I like Lana del rey’s music, the sound of a hot women’s voice is good for your soul

In america you have to dig around online to find the kind of people who say they hate young white men.

In reality no you will never meet anyone in real life who thinks like that who isn't a black bitch mad her ex got with a white girl.

Soldiers are literally young men you blind idiot.

I don’t just hate young white men, I hate all white people. They are the cause of all human sufferings in the last several hundred years, they are the most arrogant, racist, and evil race. All of their inventions were built on inventions by others races but they give no credit to others
I hope I will witness the extinction of the white race in my lifetime and I’ll do what I can to make that happen if possible