Deliver cold fries

>deliver cold fries
>get shot

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Restaurants

USA is really the land of the free

America was a mistake. Vespucci is in hell for this

>Vespucci is in hell for this
You should know, satan

I've crippled more people for less
Cold fries deserves permanent brain damage

Classic nigger moment. None of these incidents will ever gain the notoriety of George Floyd. Thus most NPCs will never come around to the black culture question.

I won't say the response isn't excessive, but I can definitely say that the dude will never, ever serve cold french fries again.


t. 4'7" badass

Attached: kek.jpg (828x766, 52.68K)

that bitch used to be hot, then she got TDS and hit the wall

>deliver hot fries
>get fired because lawsuit's_Restaurants

Attached: craiyon_200455_quitting_your_job_and_going_on_a_firing_spree.png (856x1042, 985.33K)

I mean in this hypothetical scenario where we're satirizing the hot coffee debacle, if the fries you're serving are hot to the point of being unfit for human consumption and capable of causing 3rd degree burns, maybe you SHOULD be fired over them.

Niggers killing niggers in nigger filled cities. Hardly my problem from the comfort of the countryside.

Niggers were a mistake.

As said, USA is really the land of the free... you don't have to confirm what I already said

Niggers killing niggers is hilarious and comfy. Nothing of value is lost in the transaction. For me, whenever I read of a dead nigger I think ‘wow the world got a little bit better today’. Subhuman scum.

On the one hand, I don't want the victim to die. On the other hand, I desperately want the murderer convicted of first degree homicide.

Easy to do when you only have to deal with 4'2" s

I'm with the nig on this one, I feel like the man in Falling Down sometimes

the "victim" is also a nog so no worries

This is what happens when you purge All the White Employees.

A white person would make new fries. A sheboon going to say- Fuck off nigger, I be working.

Attached: nigchicken.jpg (1018x770, 206.28K)

All he had to do was say, "Wait one moment sir I'll be back with a corrective action." and then go grab a protective hand covering to prevent burns to himself, a vessel in which to contain boiling hot oil, and then return with said hot oil filled vessel and throw it in the fuckers face. "GO MAKE YOUR OWN HOT FRIES BITCH!"

It’s pvp mode pussy

>he wouldn't shoot someone over cold fries
Fucking sissies


Why are they using California guns?

every minimum wagie that isn’t in high school and using it for gas money is a fucking dredge on society and are complete fucking losers. treating them their worth is extremely based

Attached: Gunsvs.png (1281x541, 631.76K)

>Order Coffee
>Received unsolicited gender surgery.

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