Kill Americans. Behead Americans. Roundhouse kick an American into the concrete...

Kill Americans. Behead Americans. Roundhouse kick an American into the concrete. Slam dunk an American baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy Americans. Defecate in an Americans food. Launch Americans into the sun. Stir fry Americans in a wok. Toss Americans into active volcanoes. Urinate into an Americans gas tank. Judo throw Americans into a wood chipper. Twist Americans heads off. Report Americans to the IRS. Karate chop Americans in half. Curb stomp pregnant muttoid Americans. Trap Americans in quicksand. Crush Americans in the trash compactor. Liquefy Americans in a vat of acid. Eat Americans. Dissect Americans. Exterminate Americans in the gas chamber. Stomp American skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Americans in the oven. Lobotomize Americans. Mandatory abortions for Americans. Grind American fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown Americans in McDonalds grease. Vaporize Americans with a ray gun. Kick old Americans down the stairs. Feed Americans to alligators. Slice Americans with a katana.

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He mad

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Lotta chinx in Mexico. This has been a global humiliation for the diaspora and they’re seething and it’s so funny.

>He mad
must of lost his place to a Californian

>ass mad taco paco

3 year old mustache

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What’s wrong, mexibro? Someone spill your nachos? You sound like a schizo Dr Seuss

Why did you post a picture of your family?

Fix your own country. Or we'll anex you.

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>be Mexican
>loose at everything
>cartel comes by and says they want to cut off your face
>mfw I have no face

half americans are beaners at this point. the rest mix of subhuman races

And it all started with you dumb pasta niggers and paddy’s.

okay, bozo

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I see you're excited about the locusts swarming Mexico City. Don't worry. Once they destroy everything, they'll move on and do it again somewhere else.

Must be a bad day to be a non-American

lol u mad

Hi from Mexico. We have great tacos.

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No one gives a fuck about these media stories, retards. This is a general sentiment and a political statement that represents the voices of billions of people around the globe.. Also thank you for the bumps, this message must be heard far and wide.

Kill all Americans.

Vermont is non-white?

What's wrong lantix, are you afraid of our boomers settling down in your local plugs neighborhood ;-;

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Take your meds Havier De Santos.

is this a dog whistle?