Russia sided with THIS

How do Russians feel knowing their bug superpower friends yielded to the tranny and LGBTQ mutt military? This was just as big of an embarrassment to Russians as it's been to chinks

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Yeah that's gonna come back to bite them. If they manage to take out the US, who do you think is going to win between the two of them?

There are worse ways to be.

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Its funny how all the shills used to say China would own Russia, but its clear now that Russia is the bull in this relationship

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And chinks cowered to that. What's your point? You're making my argument for me. Thanks! Kek

What did you want the Chinese to do? Shoot down the plane? Invade Taiwan? There is no need for that.

We ally with China as a strategic partnership. Their economy is much better than ours.

Not to mention its easier for Russia to attack Ukraine then it is for China to capture Taiwan.

They shouldn't talk so much shit if they aren't going to do anything. This humiliation could have been avoided.

Hating Ivan and Chang will do nothing to bring back your foreskin. You don’t prioritize your real enemy. You are lost. Why do you pretend it’s okay?

Mr. Mutt, you pushed Russia into China after 2014
have a nice day!

Is Putin ultimately the only hope for humanity?

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why is he crying?

>defending bugs
Your country invaded, massacred, and conquered them just over 100 years ago. Now you are excusing their weakness. Holy shit.


BREAKING: Maricopa County Election Day Incompetence – PRINTERS NOT WORKING, Voters Told They’ve ALREADY VOTED, Polling Locations Not Seen On AZSOS Webpage – UPDATES

It is Primary Election Day in Arizona, and voters are already seeing election irregularities taking place at the polls. They don’t even have ballots available for election day voters!

Download the Votify Now app to report all election irregularities in any state.

The Arizona establishment is doing everything in its power to buy and rig this election. TGP reported on voter fraud concerns across the state, including 63,000 incorrect ballots sent out by negligent and corrupt Arizona election officials.

>Be Neet
>Get Job as DNC election official
>Refuse to provide any election integrity
>FBI and Media attacks anyone who brings up your failings.
>Laugh as China and Mark Milley and Pelosi create yet another false media event to hide more crimes by the Democrats.

>Be SEC and IRS
>Ignore all money coming from Chinese and Russian business going to Democrat accounts.
>Attack republicans with false charges and false audits because virgin IRS allows DNC members like Biden, Pelosi. Omar, Waters, AOC, et al, to commit tax fraud.

Bro relax it isn't over yet. They are now making a perimeter around Taiwan, so that the wretched boomer hag can fly straight through that one as well without giving a fuck.

Always was


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what are you talking about stupid nigger?

nah, pussy poojeets brought guns and got rekt.
reminder that Chinese are superior to all european mutts

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Worse than that. That whole thing was essentially a rock-throwing contest. It was pathetic and China still managed to get btfo

It gets worse.
Russia is the junior partner in this marriage.
They're literally sucking Chang's cock.

Evidently it's been forgotten that Covid was a BIOWEAPON THE CHINX SPREAD DELIBERATELY.

Chinx are sneaky, subtle mofos who will wait to attack, not rush in. They know most Westerners have the attention span of a gnat. They'll hold off until attention is directed at another problem, then attack.

And they already know how our societies can be easily disrupted by a relatively mid level flu outbreak. You can bet a real heavy-duty bioweapon is up next, one that WILL cause millions of casualties. They have contingency plans out the whazoo. You can bet at least 4 have been dusted off and are being prepped, right now.

nah at least 20 poojeets died including 2 poojeet generals, at least 10 poojeets were captured and only 4 Chinese died, retard. dont believe poojeet scams and fake news, they call China the devil, it's a joke

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