How will Americans react when China destroys their military and takes Taiwan? Will they be in denial...

How will Americans react when China destroys their military and takes Taiwan? Will they be in denial? Will they say chuds stabbed them in the back?

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the same thing thats happening in ukraine, the media will constantly say "we're winning!" as china slowly grinds through our forces with only a fraction of its own in use.

other way around, how will chinks like you react when America/NATO destroy your bugmen army and hang Xi? Will you be in denial? Will chinks say it's western propaganda?

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>he thinks he's going to beat China with all 12 Americans who are fit enough to serve and dumb enough to actually do it
Okay, zogbot.

Try doing and not talking, chang.

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Try dilating and not shilling, tranny.

how many times do you need to post this?

>he thinks war is still fought with infantry

What's actually on the table here? Does the US do anything besides send cash in the event of a full scale tawain invasion? Obviously China doesn't touch any US territories (maybe guam?). What does the US do if the chinese sink a US boat?

nigger flight. There would be nothing to support them so they would flee to canada and mexico.

>can't even intercept an airliner and radio it to turn back
So fucking disappointed in China and Winnie the Pooh. I'll never take any of their threats seriously ever again. You would need a microscope to find Xi's balls.

At least Putin has a pair. Xi got beat by a drunk old bitch.

China and Xi have time on their side. I don't know that there is any rush to take Tawain.

Ching chong ding dong. Drink the pee XiXi

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If time is on their side then why did they make a bunch of empty threats about Pelosi visiting? They completely bitched out. If they really believed Taiwan was their territory then they should have intercepted her plane and told her to change course. And if her fighter escort intervened, open fire. They didn't even TRY to do this. They just completely bitched out.

Fucking pussies.

Imagine STILL trying to talk tough after being exposed the worst in history just a few hours ago.

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It's almost a dead heat now for which bug is the biggest pussy, Turks or Chinks.

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USA won't be fighting it will be a proxy war.

I doubt I'll even notice.

Try it.

US military budget is twice the Chinese, while America producing overpriced gear, China still producing useless shit.

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STILL waiting on that "massive retaliation", ching chong bing bong.

Chuds have always been considered traitors to them. We will be the last ones standing no matter who attacks first

This isn't even funny anymore.
I'm just sad .

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Given the various very well known and advertised treaties, China doing that would be a declaration of war on the US and several others. The US is a dominant enough military power that the only way china could view this is as intentionally starting a war with the US.

I guess threatening and not backing it up makes them lose face, but I'm not sure it changes much. Xi is pretty secure in his power from what I know, might be wiser to wait until he has more leverage. I really can't read it, what would actually happen if he took a boat or a plane? Pure economic war and a complete cutting of trade? The US funding border skirmishes with India? Large scale retaliation? I don't really know what's on the table.

The US is trying to bait China into a war while China is still relatively walker militarily and in the throes of some considerable economic and financial sector weakness. The historical comp would be Britain baiting Germany into war in 1914.
China is smart enough not to fall for it. No doubt they'll make some show to save gave, probably after Pelosi leaves, but they know that over the medium term American wokeness will be the undoing of its military, technological, and industrial capacity. If they're dumb enough to take the bait, the next hegemon will not be either China or the US.

It doesn't matter.
Bcuz chinks have just proven that they will never do shit.
This is the most pathetic display of chink dick energy I have ever seen

Prepare the bunkers for the poor and middle-class and launch well-stocked space stations for the rich.