Why don't Canadians realize that everyone on earth despises them?

Canadians think that Canadians are liked and respected by the world. Canadians do not realize that the entire world despises Canada. Canadians contribute nothing to the world scientifically or artistically. Canadians worship mediocrity as the sacred virtue. People do not hate Canada because Canada is too lowly to hate. Are Canadians with their delusion that the world likes them the most narcissistic race of people?

“One does not hate as long as one has a low esteem of someone, but only when one esteems him as an equal or a superior.” t. Nietzsche

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Cheer up pal.

talk to me, what happened?

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I used to think that there was no way I'd ever dislike Canadians and that mutts were just having a bit of a banter. Like, what has Canada even done to anyone? Me all the way over here???


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Canadians are the most powerful race on earth.

u kiddin me man? when i go to philippines practically every woman age 13-50 is all over me.

Not despised, I mean, neither loved, but I like Kids in the Hall well enough.

my bad, I think I fucked his wife too many times, Ill tone down the degratation next time im there

Because they live next door to America, whom everyone hates even more.
At least Canadians are polite.

I forgot it was up there until I saw this thread.

Finnish women, man

Jokes on you, when I go to Canada, every woman 50 to 95 is over me.

OK joke doesn't work with my flag, just imagine I am Philippino, I'm short and brown, should not be too hard.

I've travelled across Europe and whenever I told people I was Canadian it was met with praise. Not saying this is a good thing, it just shows most Euros are npc fags.

That's disgusting, bud. Sorry

>t chink

Americans are way friendlier. I love visiting Canada's underwear.

I remember back in february all leafs on this board had a huge chip on their shoulder becuase a bunch of white trash trucker fags honked their horns and had gay orgies for a week, then the government made them fuck off.
Overall canada is just a gayer version of america excpet with less history and no culture, the climate sucks dick too.

you too?!! how many are we?

I stopped reading at Canadians.

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>canadians are polite
absolute myth

>t. brown shit who prefer to live in Canada than his own shithole

That's so cringe, bro. I feel for you.

Because this country is 90% mentally retarded

Expelling kikes would improve any nations reputation and function, for any reason on any time line.

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Everyone loves me

good on you my friend. Get some snowpussi.

If you saw me (5"0 manlet) you would understand. I'm not a millionaire so I don't expect to get hot women here. But I can get premium fertile pussy in PH easy. So I do. I'm 32 no kids, studio apartment, senior webdev (been working since 2013), so I go once or twice a year to get the fuck/companionship urge out of me. The rest of hte time is spent gaming, drinking poppyseed tea, and pursuing various hobbies.

They’re all chinks

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>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question

Can confirm

Fuck off quebec fag

Keked and checked

holy crap that sounds awful

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I support nuking this shit hole.

How so?

Blah blah blah, natocuck got pissed that we called him a globohomo golem so he's larping as a leaf and talking trash about the mightiest of Anglos.

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The existence of Ryan Reynolds is enough to genocide the entire country.

Phillipino women are hideous. Dog faced whores.

This is a bot

>leaf on this board had a chip on their shoulder for the truckers
Groomer, that's impossible as we were the truckers.

I don't get Canada hate. Do I think Canadians are a bit pretentious with their holier-than-thou attitude towards Americans? Yes but overall Canadians are our bros.

I grew up watching Canadian shows on Nickelodeon and PBS such as You Can't Do That on Television, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, and Degrassi Jr. High/High. Canada fielded some of the finest soldiers in both world wars. Canadians have given more respect to the US and Americans than vice-versa.

We're both offshoots of the UK. The US is the eldest son that left home while Canada is the next oldest kid. We may have our differences, but we also have a lot in common and push comes to shoove, I'm glad to have Canada as a neighbor and a friend.

I would enjoy ejaculating inside her several hundred times, if you know what I mean.


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i pity canadians, but it's absolutely wild you keep re-electing fidel castro's son.

it's true, I hate canadian urbanites and canadian hicks the most.

who hurt you?

Don't care, I live 300km from the nearest faggot, kike, or protestant.

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Pretty sure we're going to disappoint you there

Nobody hate canadians because everyone knows canada is part of michigan. Missasssawawa and shit are people of América, they are the same, cucknada does not exist.

Imagine being canadian.