The fuck little chang gonna do?

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Kill everyone.


Blockade you.


fuck you ass clown with your ass thread

why are her eyes sinking so deep into her skull?
Does she need more aborted fetus blood?

Take over Taiwan and cripple semiconductor production for the US...We watched Biden allow Russia to take Ukraine as our "leader" went around the world begging for oil and I am sensing the same is going to happen with mthe chips when China invades Taiwan....after midterm of course.

They gonna eat up more plagued bats and cough on us again

>Wow user, I need two hands to handle you monster cock.

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Not sure. But I'm gonna post trucks

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She's 82

How have you not realized by now that they are all talk?
Bug land is 2 seconds away from implosion and could never exist without the United States in the first place

They won't do shit. Ever!

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that worked well last time didn't it, fagleaf?

Chinkies dicks too small to titfuck her

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That's a nice truck

I'm not sure why anyone would even believe these stories, it's hilarious to even think a CCP owned speaker of the house, would have any fucking business in Taiwan to begin with, that's Hunter Bidens job

It is

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Nothing in my life changed

Are you man enough to tame those massive milkers?

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did she have military escorts?
If she did then lol @ micro dick China

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Youre probably correct that China wont "do shit"...directly to the US, but to invade Taiwan for their disobedience will be another matter. Do YOU not realize that Russia's invasion was contrived, and this stunt sets the stage for a Chinese provocation of Taiwan?

make backroom deals
same as it ever was

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I don't give a flying fuck if they nuke that entire island into the ocean. In fact I hope they do and I hope it's posted on the internet
They're all the same to me. A slant is a slant is a slant

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I hate Pelosi but this pretty funny, Go grandma nutter.

Why wouldn't she just go to China? Biden administration already said they disavow Taiwan as a sovereign nation?

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>Sweet Nancy was so fancy
>To get into her pants
>We had to be the aristocracy
>The members that she toyed with
>At city club were something in diplomacy
>So we put her on the hit list
>Of a common cunning linguist
>A master of many tongues
>And now she eases gently
>From her Austin to her Bentley
>Suddenly she feels so young

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>micropenis detected


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I hope China makes a promise to protect Guam and Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands and starts doing diplomacy with them and protecting them from their bully capitalist pig American government. And recognize them as independent countries as they should be. You wouldn’t like that huh?

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