
Hold on a second..


Attached: C377D643-5EA7-44CD-882E-D9451CC1A74C.jpg (1170x1003, 495.42K)

new to israeli diplomacy eh op?

Republican on the edge here. Republicans were always portrayed to me as the heavy handed tough guys who are first in place when dealing with foreign threats against our freedom and democracy. Speaking of course of Russia and China.

After decades of watching Republicans backtracking, beating around the bush and even making backdoor deals with China and Russia I was sceptic but I didnt want to go down the conspiracy rabbit hole tot much. Remember how quick Trump surrendered the trade war to China? That was a big red flag for me. We know it was Biden who doubled down on Trumps weak and loopholed sanctions and Biden who seriously attacked Chinas high end chip and telecom industry to keep American companies competitive. It was Biden who finished the Obama fence on the Mexican border while Trump was just embezzling funds with friends and partners. Republican anti-semitism, homophobia and race baiting politics to garner favor from uneducated and unemployed trailer trash never brought us anywhere.

Today I am convinced that only Democrats have real leadership qualities and Republicans are just big talk no action phonies. Maybe its just my long chilhood indoctrination that keept me around Republicans. You should seriously consider your vote in the next midterms if you made the same error and fell for the Republican meme.

dont tell me you think the chink invasion is based just bc taiwan has a couple fags there

>leaf defending faggots
Like clockwork

picrel is china pride parade
with the commie brainlet simplified script

Attached: chinese_gay_parade.jpg (3032x1760, 1.37M)

>in order to stop the Chinks from taking over Taiwan we have to defend the Taiwan Chinks against the Chinese Chinks and sacrifice millions of white lives so that the Chinese Chinks can be defeated and the Taiwan Chinks can be victorious

Attached: Pepe weird.jpg (976x850, 57.91K)

If only the Republicans were actually anti-semites, I'd vote straight R in every election I could.

Attached: 1647738924558.jpg (1164x1556, 701.48K)

user, if you were any more of an obvious shill I'd be able to smell the silver from here.

Literally so fucking gay & glowing.
>memeflag to top it off.

>like clockwork...
My context is different than yours though.

Woah, in a country that contains 1/5 of the worlds population, you managed to find some group somewhere that fights for gay rights.
This definitely isn't contradicted by national level policy.

You best start believing in globohomo

A man can't marry a man. Where's he gonna stick it? How's the man wife gonna get pregnant?
I now pronounce you husband and husband. Revolting.


He's gonna put it in the asshole with all the shit?
What kinda baby they gonna make? A shit baby?

Oookay, voting for REPUBLICANS then.

Fuck DEMONcrats they're nuts.

If Republicans were actually anti-semites I’D be a Republican, niggerfaggot.
Meanwhile in the real world they just suck Israeli Zionist cock and cower before the ADL.

Oh, I was wondering what the new "fellow x" narrative is going to be. Please fuck right off back to pleddit.

You are an amorphous meme nigger bot.